Phoenix Hexapod | Weird Movement

It’s been a while since I’ve been on here. Was pretty busy with other stuff.
Just revisited the Phoenix Hexapod.

Everything seems to be working properly… Except the Arduino Sketch itself.
Below is a video of how the robot reacts to inputs from the PS2 Controller.

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Can you give us more information about what you actually loaded in your arduino ?

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Can you confirm you have each servomotor connected to the proper channels on the SSC-32U?
If I remember correctly, it should follow this setup:


The source code from here:

I loaded it with the Arduino Duemilanove configuration.



Yes! I confirmed that this was the configuration for Servos.
I’ve also confirmed with the hexapod calibration tool that everything is calibrated as intended.

Furthermore, I’m using this fat battery for both the SSC-32U and Botboarduino.


When I use the hexapod calibration tool. Each servo is mapped to the correct part of the leg! :slight_smile:

Happy to send a video showcasing that the Hexapod Calibration tool is properly mapped to each leg (as well as each leg being properly calibrated).


Here’s a video of the hexapod calibration! Cheers!


Furthermore, I’ve tried the Arduino Sketch from the guide both with the Baud Rate set to 38400 (default in the hex_cfg) as well as 115200 but the result is pretty much the same.


Furthermore, I’m using this fat battery for both the SSC-32U and Botboarduino.

There is a good chance that battery is too heavy for the Phoenix to support while walking. Take special care to watch the legs and how hot the servos get. The Phoenix is not meant to support much payload since the frame rests directly on the output shafts of the servo motors, and they are not supported on either side like many of the other Lynxmotion legged robots.

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The battery is used for testing purposes and is not mounted on the unit.
I have a smaller 6v battery pack when the project is ready.

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The way they are moving looks like either:

  1. The code is using the wrong channels for its intended motion (a bit likely)
  2. There is some electrical issue when everything is assemble.

I recommend that you turn on the debug serial (should be on by default) and connect a USB cable between the BotBoarduino an your PC.

Then, open (or obtain & install if you do not already have it; if that is the case get it here) Lynxterm. Connect to the COM port of the BotBoarduino at 57600 (default debug baud rate).

You will use the pass-through mode to control the SSC-32U through the BotBoarduino. That way the electrical setup does not change and we can confirm this works. Check out this post and the right side of the image for details about using the pass-through.

Once connected to SSC-32U you can use the dropdown on the right (channel selection) and slider (RC pulse) to control the various joints individual. You can also, alternatively, use the command line (black text box) to type commands such as #3P1500 to send a pulse of 1500 µs (center) to channel 3 RC servomotor.

Try this out and let us know how that goes for you! :slight_smile:

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