Phoenix hexapod femur motion reversed

Ive been trying to implement phoenix code to my small MG90 servo sized hexapod. Ive changed alot of the variables in the config_h. file including, the leg IK measurements, feet start positions, the min/max mechanical limits of each leg and so on.

The motion is correct for the coxa servos but the femur servos with out a doubt have thier motion reversed. The tibias might be right but i wont be able to for sure till i fix the femur servos direction. Also D-pad up lowers the bot while D-pad down raises it. So that should be a clue too.

Would any body happen to know what im doing wrong?

Heres a video of the bot in wave gait mode and as you can see the leg comes down rotates forward comes up reverses.

Problem solved. All i had to
Problem solved. All i had to do was go into the phoenix_driver.h file and checked the leg update parameters. My servos are reverse of the servos the code is meant for so i just had to make positive the right leg and negative the left leg. Now it works fine.