Phoenix Cover...

After the prototype maded time ago now I’m ready to present another Exoskeleton.
with elegant and fluid line…the exoskeleton for Lynxmotion Phoenix

Reminds me of the music video for Bjork’s “All is full of love” song.

Mind blowing. Awsome render also. 8)
Your very good at this.

I put much ‘love’ in all product of my brand:-)))

It shows. :wink:
You should also model the actual frame also so we can see how it might look upon the phoenix.

Even if all It’s ready to be printed I’ve to wait.
I hope soon to show U all the entire Project.

STL files 3D view

Finally I’m starting to print all parts of each Exoskeleton .
This is one of my first printing test…and all seams to be well.

The Leg of Phoenix Shell

Beautiful design - did you get a 3D printer?

Amazing! Can’t wait to see it in action!

Very intricate support material pattern.
Which printer is that ?


Yes,finally I have a good 3D printer wich allows me to have a good final appearance ( that piece is printed with a low resolution and the surface is good).
Yes, the support pattern is very intricate, but more usefull…specially with the second extruder.
That allows me to use a less material possible and shortest printing time.
Saving in this way the costs!

It look very nice.
I want to know… which printer it is… lol

Now I’m printing end testing the parts of another type of shell and soon I’ll show here in the forum.

A little preview…

It’s an Italian one Eric.
I chose that one cause , in addition to having good technical specifications , I have a good support service in place.
There are many types of printer at different prices, but
If U’r interested I’ll give U the adress in pm.