
hmm I want to show the player here


width=“420” height="345"




Wow, your bot looks good.

Wow, your bot looks good. Nice print. As far as the code goes, you are right about the IR LEDs. It seems they are on all the time. They should still work fine, they will just use a bit more battery than I had anticipated. Luckily it is just a firmware issue and I will make time to fix the error and re-upload the updated code here. Thanks for pointing it out. BTW the IR LEDs I was using could handle 100mA so if you end up using my schematic with lower powered LEDs don’t forget to use resistors of a higher value.

PS. You should be able to embed your video in your post by going to your video and selecting:

Share -> Embed -> Then check "Use old embed code"

then just copy/paste the code into your post.

And again. Nice bot. :slight_smile:



Tnx JerZ!

Luckily its just firmware indeed, that one thing I love about it. It also seemed that in your main loop the command while(IRLEDPin) did not work, so I changed that to :


Thanx also for the embed tip, I saw with your post its possible but could not get it right.

Last but not least, if you like to have one of my PCB’s I can send you one for free. Being able to use your 3D models was for me a big eyeopener. (in fact in some time I will do a post myself about a robot I am currently building which I drew myself in Sketchup).

Send me a private message with an address if you like to have the board.

1 Like


Hi all,

I have just finished my attempt at building Penny.My problem is the LED’S been on all the tim are draining my battery quiet quickly.I have read that this line is the fix if(digitalRead(IRLEDPin)==LOW && currMillis - PulseOffTimer > IROff) in the code for this problem but i really need help as to where exactly i need to put this in the code.Any help with this would be very much appreciated.By the way thanks to JerZ for sharing his work i have had many hours of pleasure building this.




     if(digitalRead(IRLEDPin)==LOW && currMillis - PulseOffTimer > IROff)

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I have the code

Hi piddy0504

I made the changes and I will send it to you in a private message if possible.

otherwise I just paste it all here in a next post

I have the code

Hi piddy0504

I made the changes and I will send it to you in a private message if possible.

otherwise I just paste it all here in a next post

Here it is

The fastest was drop it in my dropbox

Take care that you use only the code to fix the led-on problem, Im not sure if I changed pinconfigurations to match my board. I do not have an arduino board I just use AVR

Its at // PINSETUP //

Here it is

The fastest was drop it in my dropbox

Take care that you use only the code to fix the led-on problem, Im not sure if I changed pinconfigurations to match my board. I do not have an arduino board I just use AVR

Its at // PINSETUP //

Hi i made that change havin

Hi i made that change havin looked at ir leds via my phone not sure if dat works the origonal code i think works better

realised u cant draw from

realised u cant draw from both sides of de regulator also 1000uf cap helps across power 2 servos im learnin

Glad you got it going! I

Glad you got it going! I really need to update the code. I never really thought so many people would build her. :slight_smile: Thanks for the kind words. Do you have plans to make a robot post? I would love to see your bot.

Hi,sorry for late reply,it


sorry for late reply,it would be great if i could see your code as im new to the software side of things and would love to be able to learn from it.

 Thank you


This is awesome!
I love this - got some servos that I have earmarked for the MkII of my current project - may have to get a cheapduino get this printed by someone and give this a go in the meantime!

well, the Cheapduino is not

well, the Cheapduino is not available anymore. But there is the Beetle which is basically a “Cheapduino MKII” with a better MCU and more IO’s

1 Like

Cheers Lumi
Thanks for the info mate - will have a look for the Beetle. Aptly named for a 6-legged bot! :slight_smile:

Hmmm, more pins and it

Hmmm, more pins and it should fit just fine. I may have to drum up on upgrade. :slight_smile:

Built the sensor on a different bot
Built you sensor on a different arduino uno based hexabot. Works great except seems to run in reverse.

Broken image links

All of the image links on this post are broken.  Perhaps someone knows the owner and can alert him to this fact.  I would love to build this bot.

Hi, here is a little sister for Penny: