PCL manipulator

example of Zoltberg's manufacturing manipulator completely out of polycaprolactone


  • Actuators / output devices: Servos
  • Control method: Arduino
  • CPU: CraftDuino
  • Power source: 5V
  • Programming language: C++
  • Sensors / input devices: potentiometers
  • Target environment: indoor

This is a companion discussion topic for the original entry at https://community.robotshop.com/robots/show/pcl-manipulator

I don’t know for sure

but, it sort of resembles polymorph. Gareth has done a lot with polymorph and showed it off around this site.

Hi ChuckCrunch

This is a very cool project and very well design and construction !

I like very much your control system and the polycaprolactone use.

Do you have an address to buy some, please, (I live in France) on the web perhaps ?

Thanks for sharing your work :slight_smile:

The first video make me laugh a lot : a suicide robot in live (at the end LOL)

Keep the good work and have fun


With the ‘finger

With the ‘finger condoms’ on the gripper it looked like some sort of scary airport customs equipment….

Great stuff!
(And hoping that I never get called in to the back room)

LOL :slight_smile: grrrr the back room

LOL :slight_smile: grrrr the back room …

Same stuff as Polymorph,

Same stuff as Polymorph, which is just a brand name.
