Paintball / airsoft Turret

*Price is just for turrent not camera!

Video is an attachment up top!

Hi LMR and guests!

This robot is done with mechanics mostly but i still need to paint it. Thank you for looking at this robot! I started out looking at the military channel for ideas and after not finding one that matched my needs exactly I made myself a turret. I have lots of pictures so have fun and feel free to comment! It took around 12 hours to build. The wieght is 7.5 lbs approximatly. For a paintball gun it is semi automatic. 1 shot per second or two seconds Im guessing. More specs on pics. If you want to know anything else just say so thanks. It has been a joy to build. The key to building this was be optimistic on everything! Test your stuff to the limit haha! (hopefully it will keep on working for a loooonnngg time). I have tested the machine for about 1 hour total of time. We will see how servos last, if they strip maybe Ill get metal gears. Please comment thanks

Price with Camera stuff- $350 (camera was used on my other project-

Where I bought the materials(besides gun and camera stuff)- Tilt- Robot shop, Everything else (haha) robot marketplace. I really like robot marketplace for all the great stuff, low prices, and friendly staff and service. My potentiameter was linked to a servo (HS 422) at Servo City. 

Pictures are below, but some pictures and video-my plans and some other ones are up in attachments. Thank you for those of you who helped uploading. 

Keep posted for when it is updated and done! Thanks again LMR.

If you think Im missing any pics/info you want to see tell me thanks. (Im going to try to get a video so just hold on and thanks for the patience! )



1.MIdway-See the pvc? that is for support on pan. 2. Building the project

Turret and Reciever and connections

trigger system and camera

clamp for gun and full turret pic

side and front view


Transmitter and video setup

Shoot who i want, what I want, and whenever I want :)

  • Actuators / output devices: 3 HiTEC Servos, reciever, transmitter, pan and tilt system
  • Control method: Remote Controlled - GWS
  • CPU: GWS 6 channel NARO reciever
  • Operating system: GWS- Transmitter- 6 channel
  • Power source: 700 mAh
  • Programming language: -
  • Sensors / input devices: camera
  • Target environment: Outdoors-War zones-Paintball

This is a companion discussion topic for the original entry at


well If they break I will do that. thanks

**check this out **

**Awesome! **

Wow that is amazing! Do you paintball or something or did u just find that? That is pretty cool. I wish I had that kind of programming skills and money! 

paintball gun

no I don’t paintball myself I just saw it on TV in the UK (the gadget show).

I think it cost them quite a lot to make.

Personally I don’t think the programming is that great because if you watch the securobot video it fires as it sees the guys running, where it should calculate a direct hit based on the speed the human is running, the distance he is away and the time it takes for the bot to shoot the paint ball and the time it takes for it to reach it’s target.

But that’s just me!


cool though eh?

are you in the UK?

can’t you get The Gadget Show where you live - actually this season has just finished :frowning:





I live in the U.S. of A but no cable or dish. Only the free channels haha. Which arent that great. We now have music video channels tho so were gaining haha. but ya I thought it was great! 

did ya ever see my other paintball/airsoft/war thing? 

Thanks for showin me that it was great