
The 1mm is plenty strong

The 1mm is plenty strong because I used all angled parts. Also there are different hardnesses of aluminium. This stuff is pretty rigid but brittle, bending it twice in the same spot will make it snap. I think these angles are made for window frames.

I did use 1.5mm sheet for the track unit sides though, but it was a different hardness to the angle. I found it flexes too much for structural parts but would be fine for covering sides or for really small robots. Also the softer it is the easier to scratch.

Nice work!!
Nice work!!

The new vacuum head looks
The new vacuum head looks great, love the rotating brush head. It’s a shame that it doesn’t work so well just strapped onto Ozzy’s front =/

Thought I’d post to this page too…

Since my question is more relevant here…

Do you still have the vac attachment on your bot?

I forgot if you mentioned what solution you used to recover better suction - presumably that white blob on the bottle? what IS that thing?

It looks like there’s a long tube from the intake to the exhaust - could shortening that improve things?


I like the tensioners too.
I like the tensioners too. Simple and effective.