OSR(Open Source Robot)

OSR is a major work in progress, It is controlled by the arduino Mega, OSR will has bluetooth capability, so i can control it from my verizon droid eris(android phone), it has an RFID reader and a ping)) rangefinder, and i am still testing, debugging, and adding code.


this looks promising

  • Actuators / output devices: 2 continuous rotation servos
  • Control method: (will be)controlled by android phone via bluetooth, Voice(hopefully)
  • CPU: ATmega1280
  • Power source: LiquidWare's HiCap Lithium Backpack
  • Programming language: arduino language based on C/C++
  • Target environment: indoors mainly

This is a companion discussion topic for the original entry at https://community.robotshop.com/robots/show/osr-open-source-robot

An RFID reader, that’s
An RFID reader, that’s something you don’t see on many bots, do you have any specific uses in mind for it?

RE: An RFID reader, that’s
It uses it for navigation, it uses rfid tags as landmarks so that the robot can get around

**What a great idea! **

What a great idea! Landmarks around the house to help the little guy find his way…I love it! I may think of doing something like that!

Great bot!!


Annie :slight_smile:

Nice to see your robot in

Nice to see your robot in action. Good progress, keep it up!

Try adding a roller or caster wheel at the back to avoid tipping. If it will operate mostly on hard surfaces, something like the one pictured below from DAGU might work:


Good idea

I never thought of the landmark think like that. I use similar design with my bots. Nothing lake a big breadboard for easy expermentation. I was thinking of using IR beacons but that would use batterys. Parallax now has an inexpensive color sensor out now. Mabe in the future I may play with that idea.


Well thanks, i am going to
Well thanks, i am going to have a ball like yours soon.

ok, i am adding bluetooth
ok, i am adding bluetooth soon which means that it can communicate with my droid eris(smartphone) then i could take advantage of it’s digital compass, acelerometer, 3g internet, camera, text to speech, etc…

What Battery and
What Battery and microcontroller are you using?

On my first robot, I

On my first robot, I improvised one from a marking pen cap, like this:


cool, i might do something
cool, i might do something like that

** what do you use to power**


what do you use to power it?

Liquidware’s Mega

Liquidware’s Mega Backpack


Basically a really cool 5V lithium battery with status and all that fun stuff