Orange Drum Machine

This is my version of the drum machine. Measuring 4"X4"X5"

avoid object and play drum on thing.

  • Actuators / output devices: Gear motor
  • Control method: autonomous
  • Operating system: Picaxe 28x1
  • Power source: 4.8VDC battery pack
  • Programming language: Picaxe basic
  • Sensors / input devices: Ping))) Ultra Sound
  • Target environment: indoor

This is a companion discussion topic for the original entry at

Looks great!
We have a new color in drum-machine land. It looks fantastic! Show us some action video.

i love the color, post a vid
i love the color, post a vid of hem jamming!

Thanks guys!
I have the left over plastic so I didn’t know what to do with it so I use it to decorate my bot. I put the darlington in and for some reason my servo its not working. I don’t know what happened and also my speakers is not loud enough. What I can do to improve this. This is my last robot I built for now because I am going back to school and going on vacation and stuff. I will still look at the posting to seee whats new and interesting things you guys and gals comes up with. THanks everybody, I had a great time here.

lol, i love the packed style

lol, i love the packed style :stuck_out_tongue: also the very short tracks give a nice look.

well done

I try to make it as small as possible so it looks cute lol

Great arty bot! I love it!
Great arty bot! I love it!

Ha! Sounds like morse code
Ha! Sounds like morse code :stuck_out_tongue: or a telegraph message!


Heh, like it
That is too cool, cute little bot! Fun to see another running. Those dimensions, might be possible for a minisumo!

why it dindn’t stop at the papers
i was asking why the robot didn’t stop at the papers and continued walking towards them ??

**ah **
because the paper at the bottom of the stack was sticking out more than the part that the sensor was facing so it was not sensing the danger.