
I am verry interested in your Board

Im currently using the maestro in the hexapod kit im developing ( im tired of being a mechanic for a living and im trying to develop affordable robot kits to get people off their butt and start thinking ). How far along are you with it. We should get in touch and work together and make some magic happen




servos & controllers

Thanks! If you are really interested and would like to join the project, we have one remaining v0.1 prototype PCB with components waiting to be soldered. It might be quite different from the final board, but it’s already working pretty well.

We’ll probably organize a broader beta testing of the board for the v0.2 PCB release, if you want to be part of this beta testing, let me know!

Meanwhile, we have a few brainstorming on the way on our forum, if you want to give us some ideas and feedback that would be awesome: OpenSCB forum


At some point, we were envisaging to make a complete open source hexapod kit. But it’s really hard to make the whole thing affordable and we are not really good at mechanical design, so we focused on electronics and software, which give us already quite a lot of job. I still believe that would be an awesome idea. I’m currious about how you used the maestro, is it driven by a PC?

Hi, I love hexapods and

Hi,  I love hexapods and your project. The moves are great!  I wish I’ll build one from a kit or from skratch. Thanks for posting for us and keep up the great work :slight_smile:

It’s nice to see people are

It’s nice to see people are developing those multi-leg projects. I was trying to contact some manufacture back home to produce affordable mech parts. Servo brackets and these metal parts are expensive in current market.  But acrylic generates to much feedback for tension effects(Sorry for mu English, dont know how to describe that). Especially large scale projects. After all, I guess there’s no way to make quality servos cheap T_T.

Other than hardware, I think the IK programming is the most difficult for people to understand. These crazy calculation just driving me nuts, it’s fun thou. I hope someday someone could come up with GUI program to do such IK things.


Maestro + Affordable Kits

The maestro is currently running on its own ( the usb cable dangling off my robot its just there to upload new scripts ). The plan is to have an arduino run the IK and send servo positions to the maestro, Im trying to share the load between processing tasks. and for simple situations like “RUN LIKE HELL ROBOT!” there will be routines set aside ont he maestro that can be called up and ran quickly.


The kit im working on has a base price of around $150 - $200 With out the servos. but im making it so almost any servo will fit,  every one has different frame horn setups and not everybody wants to use expensive hitec metal gear servos, Some people may want to shop for some chinese ones on ebay. or just have some sitting around

IK on arduino

Ok I’ll be interested to know if you manage to run the IK on an arduino, I wonder if it has the processing power to do it in real time.
What servo size are you basing your kit on? Will it be like a phoenix hexapod or more like a micro bug?

frame for hexapod

Hello. your robot seems really nice.I’d like to ask you about the plastic parts.Where did you buy them from (legs,body etc).I am interesting in buildin one but I don’t find something to buy

strangely reminds me of the

strangely reminds me of the mannequin monster from Silent Hill. It was cute at first but now I find it creepy. Really good work though, nice, fluid motion.