
this is my new "robot" fully designed by me , its name on-board comes from the way it was designed , its quite literally all on the single printed circuit board ! :)

it was fully designed by me , from the circuits , printing the boards , control mech every thing ! plans are available if anyone needs them .

here are some pics , enjoy !

navigate around on its own using infrared and digital logic

  • Actuators / output devices: 2 * 1:120 ratio Tamiya gears
  • Control method: autonomous
  • CPU: Digital logic
  • Operating system: none
  • Power source: needs 12 v, not decided yet
  • Programming language: none
  • Sensors / input devices: 2 IR Sensors
  • Target environment: indoors

This is a companion discussion topic for the original entry at https://community.robotshop.com/robots/show/on-board

looks nice and clean.
looks nice and clean.

thanks :slight_smile:
thanks :slight_smile:

Waiting for the video. I am curuous to see how it runs with the motors. Simple is best. I still have respect for good old linier electronics.

**looks really good **
project looks really good.can you send me the details


Circuit diagram would be interesting.

Looks like you use 2 NE567 for IR and 2 NE555 as timer, motor forward/backward by relays. You writing you using two motors, but why you using 4 relays to switch them?

Under digital logic I would understand that you use digital logic gates like AND/OR/NOR. Maybe the transistors in the rear of you robot are connected to logic gates?

the middle circuit is a delay circuit , once the IR detects an obstacle it delays the signal for an extra two seconds to allow it to steer off :slight_smile: video soon of course :slight_smile:

**exactly **
sure , i use the ICs you mentioned , the IR drives a relay at detection , the relay drives the timer delay circuit , the delay circuit fires another set of relays in order to determine the direction for rotation of the motors , every 4 transistors you see at the back form an H-bridge :slight_smile: that receives the signals from the time delay . when everything is normally closed it drives straight and changes direction accordingly :slight_smile:

**i will pos them **
i think i will post them here for all to see , later :slight_smile:

Why a relay drives the timer delay circuit?
Why a relay drives the timer delay circuit? A simple transistor would do this job as well. Save weight, relay driver transistors plus diode…Same question why relays drive the h-bridges.

for the timer , i can , but then i need to do another circuit since i have two outputs from the relay :wink: SPDT . and for the sensors ; well i was not sure that the delay circuit will function , so in case i can directly join the h-bridge with the IR i can :slight_smile:

Don’t understand why you

Don’t understand why you using relays.

For the timer you can use the monostable configuration like shown here for instance: http://www.doctronics.co.uk/555.htm#monostable

Just replace the trigger switch by a transistor. Because the 567 output getting logical low when triggering, the transistor type must be PNP.

The outputs of the timer ICs can then directly drive the two transistor h-bridges.


It looks like the motors you
It looks like the motors you are using are ungeared. This usually results in a robot with not enough power to move around. Ungeared motors spin fast with low torque.

thanks , i know that :slight_smile:
im an electronics engineer , the motors now are just for testing :slight_smile: they will be replaced with 2 of tamiya universal gearboxes :)! thanks for the note anyhow , i think i should mention this in the text above :wink:

Im an electronics engineer buddy , i know , but that’s how i designed the circuit :slight_smile: i could have done it in a million ways , i could have even used optocouplers ! :stuck_out_tongue: but i chose relays for many different reasons mostly emotional ! :stuck_out_tongue: , thanks for your concern :slight_smile:

Great job! I really like the
Great job! I really like the compactness and neatness of it! I especially love BEAM robots. Good job. I look forward to seeing it in operation!

**thanks **
thank you , once its ready ill shoot a video .

Thats pretty cool, i like

Thats pretty cool, i like using micros, but when i manage to do something without them it’s much more fun :smiley:

Oh, and i see some unused copper traces, what are you adding? :smiley:

I was gonna ask how those
I was gonna ask how those were treating you :slight_smile: Now I know! I’d love to see a video of this bad-boy - he looks really nice and clean.