Hi again Alan,
I am using Markdown on github, because that is what they recommend up there. It is straight text, so any text editor can read it. I normally edit it in Programmers Notepad (the editor that came with winavr. Later I updated it to a later version… It is real simple stuff. like you put ====== under a line to make it a top level header, you put ------ under it to make it a secondary level header… You you use your web browser to go up to the project, like to: github.com/KurtE/Arduino_Phoeni … ad-Support
And scroll down into the project, you will see the contents of the file README or README.MD (Preferred the MD) and it will be formatted. Also if you use the windows github program, and select a project, it should show the readme file as well. Some of the more recent versions of the program appear to have some issues with their caching of this file. So somtimes it works for me, and sometimes not…
Not sure if there are any decent preview programs you can use, but there are sites you can cut and paste your stuff into, to edit and to see the results, like: markdownlivepreview.com/
Their Pypose program is written using Python, but they generate a C program, that is very simple. You only have the use of their Arbotix controller. You have only a couple of gaits. You have no control of the height of the robot, it is simply set to whatever they wanted. But it walks… Note: With my merging in my Quad support branch (likewise my Phantom_Phoenix Project), I have converted the gaits to a data structure and then define a simple array for the default ones (different for quads vs hexs). I also allow you to define your own to either add to or replace the default ones. So I have a sample project with the PhantomX quad where I have defined add on gaits which I think match the ones in their Pypose version…
Also in my Quad support I was wanting to do a lot of experimenting so I added several features to it to help myself out. The ability to change the gaits was one of them. Some others include:
a) Not sure what the best angle between legs, so I have a way (at least in using the Arbotix controller), to change that while running. Hold down one button (L6 in this case) and then use the left joystick to adjust. I don’t think I have added any UI to the PS2 controller for this yet, but not hard to do…
b) Likewise should I move the legs in closer to the body or farther away. Again adjust the same way with a) but using the other axis of the joystick.
c) Trying to figure out what a decent gait would be. How many steps should there be in the gait. How much of the times should the legs be up in the air, on what step, should each of the legs be lifted. So I added a Gait command (g) in the terminal monitor, that allowed me to experiment and set these values and see how it works. I am not sure if I extended this command yet to modify the data associated with how Xan changed the Balance code. (Should the gait use the new or old balance? If new what percentage or when…)…
I know I should probably just break down and get the SQ3 body. lynxmotion.com/p-504-3dof-al … ervos.aspx . I am currently using 4 out of the 6 CHR-3 legs I had assembled for the old lexan CHR-3 body. I know I have some other brackets and the like, just not sure if enough.
Sort of a chicken and egg thing. The software was useable enough for them to make the video for the Servo Erector Set, with some very quick views of it. There have not been any other videos of it, nor any write ups about it, showing it’s capabilities or any publicity about it. Has it ever been mentioned on the top level Store web page? Maybe as part of the kit but as it’s own entity? If they want others to take it serious, they need to take it serious.
For example a good percentage of the people doing quad work up on Trossen are doing it with the idea of making a mech that they may to compete in Mechwar with. Most of the updates to their product has come from things that people learned as they built up their mechs.
So again if Lynxmotion wishes to compete for the people to buy their quads instead of ones from Trossen or elsewhere, then someone needs to start working on something like a Mech-SQ3. Would be great if it was someone at Lynxmotion, who regularly showed ideas that they have tried and progress and get inputs from people up here on other things to try. Or could be that they sponsor one or more people to do this. Preferably with the ability to potentially fabricate new parts. Things like:
a) What servos are needed? For sure the 422 and maybe the 645 are too weak to handle this. So I would start off with a minimum of 645s, but to compete you probably need stronger/faster ones. Maybe some servos that you can directly hook up to Lipos
b) Body shape and size. If you are neededing to mount a camera, gun(s), battery, … Is the size of the SQ3 correct? Or do you need to make it bigger?
c) Leg shape? Not sure what works best here. I know I have had good luck with the Trossen ones. Not very much luck with the Orion ones… So might need to experiment with Long Cs versus short C’s. Likewise straight versus offset… New brackets?
Again if someone was able to do this, and show a video of it moving around a stage, locating and finding targets and the like and show how you can do this with a cost that is significantly less than with other setups, I think you could get several people interested in this.
Not sure if this makes any sense?