no go to slow

You stated that you wanted a program pre-written, yet you refuse to tell anyone what processor you have. This makes it impossible to for someone to provide any help at all. We also don’t know the any of the specs of your hexapod. Length of tibia, femur, round or inline body style. We are telling you to download PowerPod so you can create the program specifically suited to your needs.

If “it” refers to the tutorial then yes it is telling you to download the PowerPod program. If “it” refers to something else please enlighten me.

Yes that is correct. You are the only person who really knows what your robot is. Therefore you are the only person capable of creating a program that will work with your robot. If you were to provide a detailed description of your robot someone could create your program for you, but it’s really silly to expect someone to do this for you, for no particular reason.

I see now…

there are no " canned" programs because there is too many different “types” of hexpods…

I have both the atom 28 and the pro …I have both the botboard and the bb2…
I have both the ssc-32 and the new V2…

what I am useing is the atom 28 with the v2 ssc…

this here is what my bot is
figure number 5…with the ch3-r legs…

tkx for clearing that up…

got it moving took 3 reinstalls of the eq to get it to work then about a hour to get things going…

not that hard to work but power pod has me confused…i must be nutz…

cant understand how to get to the serial com program thingiey…

aint on my program…??


I would be more than happy to provide you with intelligent accurate answers to any well thought out questions. Try me…

On my style hex do I need to make left and right legs ??

thought for round ones this wasnt needed.??

tkx for the invite jim ill havta call and see if you canpint me in the right direction…

you have been a great help in the past so im sure you can do so…

its me im just Loopy…

:open_mouth: :smiley: found my own answer"yes" !!

just mis-read it doent matter if your using the old servo controller (servopod)

A short call to lynx…a talk to Robot Dude…a n d—>

It is working :smiley: :smiley: :exclamation:

just needed to verify and fill in a gap in “how it works”

:smiley: tkx Jim… your the 8) est

now to getting my Scout up and running…

I’m really glad you got it going! 8)

Another Lynxmotion crawling out there! Yay!

Well it seems I need more amps but upon tring the “attack” mode the hex leans back kinda then does the two leg paddle but not in the air its down…like backwards…??

any ideas??

where in the code is this??


Look for “;Attack posture” in the code. About 1/2 way down.

Alan KM6VV

OK found it…now how about a idea of whats going on with my bot…

why would this be run with the 2 legs pointing down instead of up??

fly doesnt work eather…its had to tell … whats supose to be doing …what are the variables that run this…how can I ck to see whats happening…


Just a thought, do you have a “mirror image” (CH3) setup of the legs on your 'bot? I take it you haven’t gotten your 'bot to walk yet?

I’d go over the setup and wiring of the legs.

These two “canned” routines use the fixed positions in their area of the code. No variables.

Two legs pointing up instead of down, here’s another thought, did you build/download the proper code from PowerPod for your type of bot? The header of the file you get should tell you what you build for.

Alan KM6VV

I think I found the problem…now I need to pick apart the routines and change the code around to fit my bot…

the legs I have a the C config.

there are 3 servos outside for the leg mid for the femor and inside for the back and forth…

the mid servo I have turned upside down the idea was to have more height when standing…the femor is also a “long” C bracket which I have changed in the code with the new lenght…

where do I change the code to reverse the up and down??

I have left and right legs…Mirror?

Now what is interesting is that when I do a piviot in place…turn the bot in a standing circle…it works basiclly OK --or doe wat it does maybe not right but it does piviot…

how bout some insite…shouldnt be to hard to reverse the coding on those servos…?


OK, so you don’t have standard legs? Yeah, that’s going to change things around a bit. I went through that for a friend’s 'bot, he designed/built his 'bot without ever seeing a LM hex, and didn’t have any code for it…

I didn’t quite follow all of your changes, but the gist of it is you need to “flip” the array parms a little above the “OffEnd” Label. See the “3000 - HipV_Pulse()” type statements? These “flip” the direction of a servo. The ones that are backwards on your 'bot from the LM 'bot, you “flip”. If the term is already flipped, then remove the “3000 -” part that does the flip for us.

serout p15,i38400,"#",RRHH,RRHH2,“P”,DEC HipH_Pulse(0), “#”,RRHV,RRHV2,“P”,DEC HipV_Pulse(0), |
“#”,RRK,RRK2,“P”,DEC Knee_Pulse(0), “#”,FRHH,FRHH2,“P”,DEC HipH_Pulse(2), |
“#”,FRHV,FRHV2,“P”,DEC HipV_Pulse(2), “#”,FRK,FRK2,“P”,DEC Knee_Pulse(2), |
“#”,MLHH,MLHH2,“P”,DEC HipH_Pulse(4), “#”,MLHV,MLHV2,“P”,DEC 3000 - HipV_Pulse(4), |
“#”,MLK,MLK2,“P”,DEC 3000 - Knee_Pulse(4),"#",MRHH,MRHH2,“P”,DEC HipH_Pulse(1), |
“#”,MRHV,MRHV2,“P”,DEC HipV_Pulse(1), “#”,MRK,MRK2,“P”,DEC Knee_Pulse(1), |
“#”,RLHH,RLHH2,“P”,DEC HipH_Pulse(5), “#”,RLHV,RLHV2,“P”,DEC 3000 - HipV_Pulse(5), |
“#”,RLK,RLK2,“P”,DEC 3000 - Knee_Pulse(5), “#”,FLHH,FLHH2,“P”,DEC HipH_Pulse(3), |
“#”,FLHV,FLHV2,“P”,DEC 3000 - HipV_Pulse(3),"#",FLK,FLK2,“P”,DEC 3000 - Knee_Pulse(3), |

        "#",DeckP,DeckP2,"P",DEC Deck_Pulse,"#",DeckTilt,DeckTilt2,"P",DEC DeckTilt_Pulse, |
        "#",LGripOC,LGripOC2,"P",DEC LittleGripOCPulse,"#",LGripLR,LGripLR2,"P",DEC LittleGripLRPulse,"T210",13][/code]

You’ll have to study to figure out which leg/joint is which, RRK for example is Right Rear Knee.

With me?

Alan KM6VV

ok but heres my code Im running…


		serout SSC32,I8N1_38400,"#",RRHH,RRHH2,"P",DEC HipH_Pulse(0),"#",RRHV,RRHV2,"P",DEC HipV_Pulse(0), |
			"#",RRK,RRK2,"P",DEC Knee_Pulse(0),"#",FRHH,FRHH2,"P",DEC HipH_Pulse(2), |
			"#",FRHV,FRHV2,"P",DEC HipV_Pulse(2),"#",FRK,FRK2,"P",DEC Knee_Pulse(2), |
			"#",MLHH,MLHH2,"P",DEC HipH_Pulse(4),"#",MLHV,MLHV2,"P",DEC 3000 - HipV_Pulse(4), |
			"#",MLK,MLK2,"P",DEC 3000 - Knee_Pulse(4),"#",MRHH,MRHH2,"P",DEC HipH_Pulse(1), |
			"#",MRHV,MRHV2,"P",DEC HipV_Pulse(1),"#",MRK,MRK2,"P",DEC Knee_Pulse(1), |	
			"#",RLHH,RLHH2,"P",DEC HipH_Pulse(5),"#",RLHV,RLHV2,"P",DEC 3000 - HipV_Pulse(5), |
			"#",RLK,RLK2,"P",DEC 3000 - Knee_Pulse(5),"#",FLHH,FLHH2,"P",DEC HipH_Pulse(3), |	
			"#",FLHV,FLHV2,"P",DEC 3000 - HipV_Pulse(3),"#",FLK,FLK2,"P",DEC 3000 - Knee_Pulse(3), |
			"#",DeckP,DeckP2,"P",DEC Deck_Pulse,"#",DeckTilt,DeckTilt2,"P",DEC DeckTilt_Pulse, |
			"#",LGripOC,LGripOC2,"P",DEC LittleGripOCPulse,"#",LGripLR,LGripLR2,"P",DEC LittleGripLRPulse,"T180",13]
		nap 3

I can follow this a little but I still dont see what to change ?


I thought that the 3000 should change to 750 or so to flip??


Sigh… Hangs head in complete and utter shame…

I have read through this thread and I can’t believe you guys don’t see the obvious problem. Sheldon, you have built the legs incorrectly. Make sure all of the vertical servos are facing the front. I believe you have all of the servos facing the rear. -OR- You have the left and right servos swapped in the SSC-32. In building these robots left refers to the robots left, not the builders. This is clearly stated in the assembly guides. Either way you have a HARDWARE problem not a SOFTWARE problem. :unamused:

Details… it’s all in the details. :wink:

If I read the later parts of the thread correctly, I think he built the legs wrong (or at least different) on purpose. If I am understanding his description. If you look at the leg assembly guide
If you look at pictures 14-16, I think he connected the brackets at the bottom hole instead of the top hole on fig 14, which would make the servo go in the opposit direction. From the gist of it, I believe that he thinks this gains him some ground clearance…

If this is the case, then it may be up is down… If true, you would need to either change the hardware to match the software, or start off mirroring all of the hip vertical values… This will probably be rather a pain on the canned moves, like the attack. For example my current first move on the attack:

;Attack posture serout SER_POUT, SER_MODE,"#",MRHH,MRHH2,"P1800#",MRHV,MRHV2,"P1700#",MRK,MRK2,"P1700#", | MLHH,MLHH2,"P1200#",MLHV,MLHV2,"P1300#",MLK,MLK2,"P1300T288",13] ...
In this code where you see callouts for the vertical hip (things like MRHV), where you see the value like P1700, you would need to mirror this. So Instead of being +200 from the center point (1500), you probably need this to be -200 or P1300. For the main walking code you would need to also mirror all of the values in the HipV_Pulse array.

Then again, it is highly possible that Jim is correct and there are other hardware assembly issues…


Turning the servo over for additional ground clearance will not reverse the direction. CW is still CW. :wink: However building the leg with the servo facing the opposite way will. CW becomes CCW.

Very True :blush:

ill have to ck and ill put up a pic. of my legs…
from the bot :smiley: