NiMH Batteries on Picaxe 28x1, 2500 2700 or 2900 mAh

I've been doing some research about batteries and I've stumbled upon Rechargeable batteries that come in 2500 2700 and 2900 mAh. Obviously they are 1.2 volts and I am looking to use 4 of them to power the micocontroller at 4.8 but I was wondering if one was better than the other . . . After some NiMH research I came across these batteries at (2900mAh) and was wondering if 2900 would be the best way to go.

Looking at standard Alkaline I noticed they run nearly at 2900 mAh but I'm currently using 3 standard Alkaline (4.5V) so I was wondering if perhaps have 4 rechargable (4.8V) at 2900 mAh would cause any damage.

Thanks in advance!