New Issue Servos killing Video...vice-versa

So I now have color tracking working on-board the Beagleboard-XM computer.  I also have servo control (via Torobot 24 USB servo controller).

However, when I try to run both the USB camera and the USB servo controller together at the same time the results are aweful.

I can usually make about 3-5 servo calls before the system resets.  If I don't connect the camera I can control the servos for hours. 

If I don't connect the servo controller, the color-tracking will work till I tell it to stop.


But as soon (or shortly after) as I use both, the computer restarts.

I'm wondering if the servo controller (or servos more specificaly) is introducing noise to the power supply and making the Beagleboard trigger it's protection circuit (causing it to reboot).


Would an external USB hub (powered by DC input, not by the USB host) potentially help keep the system more isolated?

