New custom hexapod - Kodama!

Awesome. How do you get it to start in the crouched position?

This is the confusing part of the whole setup. This question has been asked many times, and I have tried to explain it as best I can… so here goes.

Not sure on what code you have but I assume it’s phoenix based?
Anyway in the code will be an ‘Initial posture’ or initpos part.
Initial x y and z.
The values you input along these axis are the foot position relieve to the corresponding coxa joint.

With the robot positioned in the initial position (tucked up) you need to measure (usually in mm) how far the foot is from the coxa using the xyz axis.

I’m on my tablet and so I cannot get access to the images to show you.

I’ll try and see if I can find an image link… …

Awesome, thanks! That actually helps a lot, I hadn’t realized that the initial position was crouched, and that you then use the dpad to lift up before walking.

With this project it seems there are many small hurdles like that which a person could only realize by experience. Perhaps we should put together a guide, but as I mentioned, who would read it? :slight_smile:

You can use the dpad to lift, likewise the triangle button says either move me to the standard walking position or back to the ground…


Kodama is a happy robot in anticipation of his new legs.

Nice. Good work. I’m happy you got it walking. But I think it still needs some tlc on the initial position to stop the feet from looking ground contact when translating.

I also have my concerns with the legs… I’d do a quick check to make sure the tibia servos are not connected to the femur pin, and vice verse. They don’t seem to be moving correctly.

Yeah, there are some issues here. I’ve just double checked the servo wires, they are plugged in correctly. It’s pretty easy since the 645s that are the femurs have a twisted set of wires and the 485s are flat. That said, the poor bot makes no progress when walking, so there are obviously problems. I hadn’t realized that the initial position was meant to be crouched. I’ll go back and reset everything after I fabricate the new legs. I’m out of town the rest of this week, but I may try to get it done on the weekend.

Very nice to see a new robot take shape! Videos are always appreciated.

Kodama’s new legs make him look tame.
Calibrations and walk tests tomorrow.
Then I have to figure out how to make him look menacing again.

Yes the shorter legs do make it look less creepy but it should perform better.
I think it still looks great all the same.
Tibias look really cool.

New size comparison vs 15" MacBook Pro. The performance increase is massive, so now I love the new parts.

New video showing the excellent performance of the new legs!

Next up is pan/tilt head. Kurt, is there any controls for this in the arduino phoenix code?

It’s looking AWESOME! :smiley:
Any dance moves planned? :wink:

HAY… :slight_smile:
Looks great. nice smooth control too.
now take that bad boy outside and find something to climb over.

That’s be awesome, just not sure how to do custom moves… Anyone got any tips?

What do you mean by custom moves?

Dance moves :slight_smile:

Hm … if you want to think up some dance moves, you should first think back to when you were testing the robot - when it didn’t really work as expected, did something like that look sort of dance-ish (i.e. perhaps if it looked like it was slipping when trying to walk, record a video of that, stick in some tap dancing music and hey presto :wink:). I found the “Spider Dance” when I failed at writing the original code for NEXUS standing up. :mrgreen:
But yeah, normally you should picture an idea in your head and see if it will work - you should be able to pull off a few nice ones with a hexapod. :mrgreen:

I actually plan to tackle the pan/tilt head first. Anyone have an idea about how to get that going?