Need some help regarding basics!

hello everyone… well i m a very new but enthusiast member of this society. well i need some help. well initially i want to make a simple obstacle avoider ,working on differential drive algorithm and using photoresistors. i wish to know that how should i decide that which will be the best motor for the wheels which i want to have 8 c.m. diameter. and do i need to go thru some books on any purticular tutorial in programming before i start with it. plz reply.

Many answers
The Start Here robot looks to be a good design, modifiable to your requirements. The PICAxe probably has a couple of A/D pins that could read photoresistors, though they might not be the best in obstacle avoidance. The IR sensor on the Start Here robot would be much better at detecting obstacles. The type of motor depends upon how heavy the robot is, the type of terrain the robot moves on, and how fast the robot needs to travel. There are a number of good motors, such as RC servos and Solarbotics gearmotors that already have good wheels fitted for them (not an easy task without good tools), though they might be smaller than 8 cm.

Stop using text speak on a
Stop using text speak on a website. it can get annoying. If you try google you can help yourself.

I will add to that: Also

I will add to that: Also stop making topics with non-meaningful subject lines. Imagine if everyone made "please help me" headlines - what a crap website this would be!

Please write the best english you can, and please try to contribute to the community by asking clearly and simple, so that the next person with the same problem can find the answer - simply by reading the subject / headline.



sorry for that subject

sorry for that subject line.actually this is my first post .

i will consider such things in near future.

thanks again

Cool :)(And welcome!)

Cool :slight_smile:

(And welcome!)

what are headers?

what are headers and what is the difference between male and female headers?

i tried to search some information on net but could not find anything relevant.

kindly help…


Here is a female header and here is a male header.They are connectors and when they shag, you have a connection. You probably know these from connecting IDE harddisks.


thanks…i got it. :slight_smile:
thanks…i got it. :slight_smile:

WHAT are male and female

WHAT are male and female jumpers and what is their use?

their use? to connect
their use? to connect things! example: connecting a sensor to your picaxe board

hello !!!
i wish to Construct a machine which uses solar power as the only source of energy to race a 1000mm straight track in the minimum time.
this photovore will get energy from the halogen lamps.
151515 c.m. are its has to be fast to cover 100 c.m. in the least time.plz can anybody help me with this. i am very new in robotics but ready for the hard work. if some sites or books are present to help me with this photovore please send me the has to use solar cells no other form of energy is allowed in the compitition .
lookong forward for your help.



I think that you A) Should

I think that you

A) Should try to make a little more yourself, and ask when you get stuck

B) Should ask in a seperate thread

This is starting to sound

This is starting to sound like a lame attempt to get us to do your homework for you. Don’t think pretending to be a girl will work either.


**Now hold on a second! **
Now hold on a second! Pretending to be a hot girl may do it! :wink:

that is really ridiculous.

that is really ridiculous. and please i dont want anybody to do any kind of homework for me. no need to put forward the girl topic… i am as capable as you people are and surely have the confidence that ,will be better than you in a couple of days. so kindly keep away such comments in near future.

i just wanted some suggetions,no homework plz. anyways thanks a lot. i will soon post my robot’s entry in the new project segment.

and fritz please keep helping



If all it has to do is go in

If all it has to do is go in a straight line, all you would need is solar cells --> (battery/capacitors) --> motor.

For $20, check this out:

Very little power available
First thing to note is that there will be very little power available from solar cells. They’re very inefficient, and you will find that the power output is tiny compared to, say, a battery. But you could add a supercapacitor (or two) if you can find a way to store up energy before the run and then release it. If that’s within the rules, of course.


Replacing the

Replacing the polycrystalline solar cell in the kit with a more efficient monocrystalline solar cell ought to make it go faster.

Maybe one of these will give you the winning edge. :wink: