Need advice replacing my wireless ps controller with laptop

I am having a good play, the program is really helpful.

Thanks for the post above however what is the actual file i need to change, im happy what line to put in, i just dont know which of your files i actual need to open and edit

And i take it i need something along the lines of visual basic 2008?

I have my image processing working in Roborealm so now i just want to convert this to hexapod movement, once i can view ur file im sure this will help a lot


Oh! I got it. You have roborealm installed haven’t run the control application yet.

Yes, since my app is not compiled (still in code) first you need to have Visual Basic 2008 installed on your computer. Look up VB Express from Microsft, it is free.

Then you need to open up the code and follow the instructions in the setup guides 1 and 2 to enter all the information for your particular hexapod.

Then, you compile the program and you show should have complete control of your bot from the PC.

Keep me posted.


Downloaded it (If its free its for me) :smiley:

That is some long code haha

I have changed my roborealm directory so thanks for the instructions!

i take it i just run your gui when i put all my hexapod values in and hey presto, hopefully i will have control, then somehow using RoboRealm… i can image process from my camera, unfortunately not as sophisticated as yours!

Just got my WRL-00158 from sparkfun. Will probably go by Radio Shack this weekend and see if I can get the wiring for it and get it hooked up to my SSC-32. Thanks for posting the tutorial link.

I have a question, i think i might be trying to run before i can walk so…

If my basic atom has the serial ps2 code on it connected to my ssc-32, i have looked at the code and surely i can simulate the ps2 code with a string of serial data commands, hence i dont need in the short term to work out how to make the robot stand and sit when the code is already there?? It used "Dual shock and last button bits…

if (DualShock(2).bit4 = 0) and LastButton(1).bit4 then ;Triangle Button test
FlagOff = FlagOff ^ 1
if FlagOff then
gosub All1500
Gosub InitPos
pause 144
for Index = 0 to 31
serout SSC32,I8N1_38400,"#",DEC Index,“P0”]
serout SSC32,I8N1_38400,[13]
gosub H3Init

if FlagOff then
	pause 144
	goto OffEnd

As this in on the chip, what would i send to the mini abb serial port on the board to simulate a triangle button press? i.e set my imaginary dualshock and lastbutton bits. Say for instance in LynxTerm?

I think this would lead me onto bigger and better things if i can get one command working (Triangle)


The code you are mentioning looks like the standard powerpod generated code for a hex. There is a version of this code that is already preconfigured for serial input. For the most part the serial input code that is generated more or less mirrors the exact input from a PS2, except that the first byte (if I remember correctly) is a checksum of the other bytes to help make sure it is not acting on junk. A few days ago in a different thread was a semi detailed description of the bytes. I believe it was in this

So yes you can have a program on the PC send the commands to your robot using this format. As for doing this in lynxterm, it may be possible, but as the input is binary data, it might be a pain to enter all of the data, holding the ALT key and entering the character values (I dont remember if the numbers were decimal, or base 8?).

If you want to use a terminal program to control your program you could change the code on the robot to take in a different serial format. For example a byte byte Ascii character. For example you could have “T” be the triangle button…


Yep ill see what i can pull from that link, it looks pretty useful.

I have my robot working serially using powerpod. i just wanted to see if i can send a serial signal instead of using powerpod to say "triangle button " the robot.

That way when i tie it in with my webcam image processing, i can just say eventually if the robot needs to move fwd to follow a ball, then i can send a serial signal which would trigger move forward in the already existing code on the atom.


By the way (and I figure you’ve already figured this out) the gui/code for my app doesn’t require / cannot be used with the bot-board since it does all the processing for image tacking and motion on the computer…

So it is just—

Laptop --> Bluetooth/Serial --> SSC32 --> Servos

That may not be the way you want to go in the future if you are trying to offload the IK calcs to the bot-board.

Just thought I’d chime in on that.

Cheers Flowbot

Yeah i got that, im working the 2 routes in parallel, whichever one suceeds first is the winner :smiley: :smiley:

while ur here though, when i change all the values in ur code as ur manual says, what do i actually “run”?

Just ur GUI application?

Yes, just launch the gui. All the rest takes care of itself. In fact, the code will launch roborealm for you too if that isn’t already open when you switch to blob tracking mode.

Also, after reading your posts I see can that you are looking at two different options for achieving the same results:

Option 1:
Use powerpod over bluetooth as a PS3 controller
Create Roborealm VBscript code (will image proccess and produce bot-board commands --> serial commands --> bot-board --> servos
Option 2:
Hexapod control app which acts as a controller and which has a trackiing mode which reads variables from Roborealm, processess them, does the IK and motion, and turns it into servo commands --> SSC32 --> Servos

In the long run both will accomplish the same objective


I have successfully connected my laptop to my mini-abb/basic atom/ssc32.
I am using Roborealm to send data serially although other program work fine too.

The serial command set posted works for most things.

My problem is under PS2 control, the action say for rotating one either direction is fast and smooth whereas when i try and send serial code to replicate, the results are far from desirable. It kinda moves but not enough to boast about.

Has anyone had a try with the serial commands??

Anyone seen the problem? Its with movement in general to be honest, all the buttons etc work like a treat. Thanks

See Sticky at top of this section for answer, worked great.

Thanks robot dude