NASA SpaceX Launch Invitation

Hello LMR,

As some of you might remember, we were recently awarded a small piece in the NASA SpaceApps Challenge.As a small gesture of giving something back to this amazing community, I'd like to invite a fellow LMRian(s) to  join me and a couple of my friends at the NASA SpaceX Launch at the Kennedy Space Center this September. It would be a pleasure meeting you in person.

I don't really know how I should go about this as there's just a single ticket. Please let me know if you are interested really soon as  unfortunately today happens to be the deadline day. 

However, at this moment, although NASA has provided me just a single ticket, I might be able to get one more for a grand total of two, but I'll have to see.  NASA has stated that they'll provide just the launch experience and that you will have to cover the rest ( accomodation, fooding, transport, etc.)

Date of the Launch - Was September 2, got shifted due to yesterday's SpaceX Launch Failure, will receive the postponed date soon

Venue- Kennedy Space Center, Florida

Thanks! Please let me know if you have any queries!

Quick Update LMRians. Max

Quick Update LMRians. Max couldn’t make it this time. There’s still a ticket up for grabs! Let me know if anyone’s interested!

Hey enig,I’d just like to

Hey enig,

I’d just like to say, I hope you have an awesome time! 

Hey man! Thanks a lot. :slight_smile:

Hey man! Thanks a lot. :slight_smile: I’ll make sure to have at least a couple of pictures too.