My very first CNC project aka "klyCNC"

All started years ago, my dream was to build a CNC capable of routing PCB's but at that time I was unable to find the budget and the material to build one as well as I didn't have a workshop.

Before I started the contruction I drew the CAD of the CNC. You may see the CAD drawing in the picture, it took me 3 weeks to draw (obviously  part time).  I am very pleased with the result, and the porject is nearly finished.

Further more I' ll give some contruction tips and details,

I added a pre-test video of the x axis functionality.

by the way enjoy my klyCNC:)


Machine dimensions: 966x910mm

Cutting area: ~730x700mm

Z axis: 100 mm


klyCNC in action watch the videos

18 May 2010

First Try. Using Inskape and CamBam I created some text on laminated MDF.You may see the video of the engraving prosses

05 May 2010

Some test were conducted on the X and Y axis.

The repeatability on the X an Y axis is about 0.1mm on a travel of 25 cm and 0.2mm on 60 cm. Practical resolution seems to be 0.05 mm. Maximum speed aquired on X axis with G0 command 450mm  and 350 mm on the Y axis. I have to work on the Y axis step motor again, it a bit much noisy than X axis step motor. And some 12 to 15 kg pulling was measured with and electronic scale on the X axis.Seems I need some fine tunieng here and  there.

03 May 2010

The mechanical contruction of Albatore CNC has been finished. I have to do more minor adjustment before the fit cut.

Next first  test cut will take place.

And surely videos..

By the way I have to do some wiring.

Z axis with the spindle. And testing of the Y axis. The nuts on the Y axis did some trouble,s then I counter bored the holes then screwed them again. Guess how much these piece of machinery weight. hmmm 15 kg (Y and Z together:)


Testing of all axis before coupling the screw nuts. Every thing seems ok

Almost ready to cut ....impatient to see the outcome.


01 April 2010


 Lots of holes for the cross dowells.

 When drilling care should be taken, because the drill bit sometimes sucks the MDF and ruin every thing. The piece or plate of wood should be firmly fixed before drilling.
















 Perfectly drilled holes. Very proud of me.

 You don't believe that all these cutting and drilling are done at the first time isn't it?

 I ' am still learning all these wood working stuffs. With the material I sent to the trash bin I think I could have built another CNC :)








  Following the plans, it's the only guide for succesfull built. And use of  adequate tools.

Keep the material firmly whilst drilling

I used extensively M6 and M10 "rivet nuts"  very usefull indeed


X and Y axis finised and mounted for testing. You may watch the video as well at the begining of this page.








References and sources of inspiration

  • Actuators / output devices: stepper motors
  • Control method: Parallel port connection from PC to Step motor driver
  • Sensors / input devices: Limit Switches
  • Target environment: indoor

This is a companion discussion topic for the original entry at

Well, it looks very solid. I

Well, it looks very solid. I love idea of those bearings on x (and y) axis. 

I try my best

I try my best crafting to build this CNC. Hope I ll soon finish it and build some robots:)

I think my construction is much more robust than the open source  CNC given  in

Your help and advices will be vey appreciated.



Respect, good job

Respect, I would also like to build such a machine.

Your machine is very similar to the :


very good job my friend…  glad to see another cnc… 

shweet About the X axis…



About the X axis… is just one motor enough? since it’s in the middle, wont the sides get stuck often, and just ruin everything?

Thank you

Hope I ll finish it soon before I loss my motivationand interest. Seems It take me a couple of week to manage the z axis. and make some test cut.

By the way your cnc is nice too.


I wonder too

you’re right but we will see if one motor is ok or not, but for now I have to go with this design…

thanks a lot

Very nice work

Hey Doc,

First off, this is a nice tidy build --and I say this as a Cabinet Maker and a CNC guy. Just to throw it out there, I speak CNC fluently so if you run into anything, please don’t hesitate to drop me a line.

[email protected]

Thank you Chrisnice to hear

Thank you Chris

nice to hear something about a work I did 3 yeras ago .

wishes the best