Well its been a while, but i finally finished the base. Right now everythings held down with double sided foam tape, but i plan on cable tying the motors down. Thanks to oddbot's tutorial i made a nice mounting bracket, cept the lighter discoloerd the shapelock a bit. I got all the wiring sorted out, thanks to isotope i was able to get my ping running. Right now i just have to order some header pins, and maybe the wheels (if anyone has a link to nice ones that fit onto the geared motors in the "start here" bot that'd be great) but i was waiting a bit because im going to order an arduino at the same time. I just need some help with the code, ill be attaching it to this post hopefully. Due to the lack of a servo, the entire body of the bot will be turning left and right to scan once it detects an object. Vid will be up soon. Im still unsure if i got the code for the ping down.
Last minute edit:
i added the servo and screwed the ping bracket onto the servo horn
Alright here we go… The Parralax sonar unit is confusing as hell. There is the Paralax Ping))) unit which is a 3 pin and a SRF005 unit which is a 4 pin. We had a huge hub-bub around here with myself arguing about the fact that the paralax won’t work with a picaxe. It will. I don’t know how to do it. However, a lot of people want to show me up so someone will get back to you on it. I dunno, a search of ping and picaxe might bring it up. It’s somewhere, I just don’t know where.
To do:
Start a basic file called “Basic” moves… Some thing like this:
gosub ??? 'instead of the ??? you will insert one of the below names…
high whatever
low whatever
high whatever
low whatever
high whatever
low whatever
high whatever
low whatever
high whatever
low whatever
high whatever
low whatever
high whatever
low whatever
high whatever
low whatever
There are a total of 4 pins that go to the motor controller --you have already found 2. Find the other two and then find the combination of highs and lows to go, fwd,back,R and L. --Oh, add a low,low,low,low for a total-stop too. Substitute the “whatevers” with those pin numbers. Changing the ???'s with any of the names “leftspin” “rightspin” etc. will zip the program down to that subroutine ignoring the rest. This way you can write out all the robot moves you will need and be able to test each one… one-by-one. After you get all these goiing the way they should, Save the file and label it “Final Basic Moves” or something like that. This way, when you are writing other code, you will always have this to go back to and you can cut and paste. Later, you will do the same with the sonar “Final -Read sonar and debug” and all the other little chunks of code. This will make it much easier as you progress. Also, when you are writing code, use an apostrophy! Anything after a ’ the code ignores, so write a lot of notes to yourself -You will be amazed at what you will figure out today and forget tom. morning.
Seems pretty straighforward. Seems pretty straighforward. I’m going to do what you suggested and try and write a basic code to run through all of the basic wheel functions, and try the de-bug on that. And coding the Ping sounds like nightmare, ill probably save that for a week off i get. Thanks again for all the help chris.
If you use the search If you use the search function in this site and type picaxe 28x1 starter kit it should bring up fritsl’s most excellent pictorial post on that board with great color coded locations for everything on it. Just wished I’d got that board as I bought the rkeducation one with built in 5 amp transistors for output. Common collector and NO pin jumper to the chip so I bootleg the pins and No docs on it from the vendor don’t help either. Good luck and for wheels my first bot used vienna sausage cans for wheels. Ya use what ya got folks…I need to post that one as it is fun as heck…
lol sounds great and i would lol sounds great and i would love to see it, i was hoping to somehow use the wheels from the old mindstorms set. thanks for the tip, ill take another look at that post
I spent a good hour last night writing a begginers guide to coding for you, it went through most of the basics of coding from oporators to variables. Unfortunatly i was too tired to finish it last night and planned to do it now. However i didnt save it and my missus either turned it off or a windows update installed, eitehr wya i lost it when my computer restarted. I will make time to do it again for you tonight,
Great start I am working on the same project, I wish I had slowed down and played with the code a bit as I built mine. I think the way you are going you will end up with a great bot
thanks man, i saw your bot thanks man, i saw your bot and it looked really clean and well built. I just glanced through the manuals and tried a couple of the projects in it.
Noticed it the video and Noticed it the video and stills there is NO capacitors on those motors. You really need to put a .01 or so disc cap on each one to keep the noise from arcing brushes getting into the works and gumming it all up electrically speaking of course.You got a good start keep it going.
oh awesome, thats pretty oh awesome, thats pretty close to me, also a guy at radioshack told me there was some surplus electronics store near fulton street which ill have to check out.