My Secret Project revealed, 4 foot, 100lb Mobile Assault

it’d be good in the streets and aleys, even if there are trash cans, it would just push evrything out of the way as it pases, in a house thouh, but it was made to be a high speed robot, I don’t think high speed in a house is good, so it’s not made for that. it’s true, military would be nice.


That is exactly what My rover “the Spy2” is specifically designed to do. After another prototype and maybe an Aluminum body, It’ll be in the patenting process, hopefully.

it’s going to be police or military?

Mostly SWAT type stuff, it will be used for surveillance with video feedback wirelessly to an LCD screen. It has two camera’s 1.2/2.4 GHZ cameras (one has night vision) and it has a pan and tilt, arm and offroad tires. Its small enough to drive under chairs and cars for under-car-surveillance.

srry bout the thread hack :blush:

It isn’t really designed for confined spaces. Obvious from it’s size. From the conversations I’ve had with the local ERT, they decided they would find a high speed assault type vehicle useful in combination with a slower, smaller SWAT style robot. I felt that SWAT rovers are rather plentiful and our local ERT already owns 2. The sole purpose of this Rover is to seek and assault.

The first series of tests we did were simulating searching alleys and yards for suspects. It can tear through an alley with ease and fences… :slight_smile: right through. Except chain-link. The idea would be that in a tactical situation with an unknown number of armed suspects in a large area surrounding a building or block, the vehicle could cruise up and down alleys, either passing suspects and noting their locations or approaching them. It would basically act as a Remote Control Assault Vehicle, but smaller with no people inside.

Just imagine trying to flee a hostage situation with the building surrounded by cops and five 100 pound assault vehicles equipped with nets and beanbag shotguns ripping up and down the alleys and streets. Even with a hostage, how do you threaten or negotiate with a robot? Even if the Vehicle backed off and followed the suspect from a distance, the other officers would already have been alerted to where he is.

And after all, it’s a concept prototype, so you might be right, it might not serve enough of a purpose to be useful to Urban Tactics. Unfortunately, dealing with government agencies and the military is not fun. It is a constant pain in the butt. There are lots of hoops to jump through and the necessary funding has to be there. Things are different here in Canada when it comes to the Military. We don’t drop countless dollars into military endeavors. Unfortunately.

Here are a couple more pics:

:laughing: AHAHAHAH :laughing: How true this is, we didn’t put enough money into it for a long time, that’s why where still with hercules helicopters… :laughing:

I guess I have to agree :laughing: To bad, because I was thinking of building something like that. :slight_smile: Although I doubt a 13 year-old like me is going to get a millitary contract.

Depends on how you present yourself. They would likely not deal with you because of your age but if your product is interesting you could have a colleague present it with you. Anything is possible bud.

Thanks for the good encouradgement! :slight_smile:

ya, that’s nice!

Hey just think, im only 2-3 years older than you and ive won pattenting awards. Ive also been credited by security guards and they have told me they would love a surveillance robot. Security guards from Dofasco (one of the leading steel companies in Canada) have said this to me. Dont worry, anything is possible! :wink:

Besides, even if you don’t make it big now, how old do you think Einstein and DaVinci were when they started getting ideas? And I bet Vangough was painting long before people took him seriously.

From a guy that’s been around the block a few times, you never know what tomorrow brings.

yeah, +1 :laughing:

I went in to work last night for some poly waterline and just my luck, the guys were there playing poker so I got sucked into a 2 hour game of poker. :slight_smile: I only put $40 in but I came out with $45 so after 2 hours, that’s not bad I guess.

Anyways, I was digging through some of my parts I have stored at work and I found my original prototype for the turret with a Tippmann A-5 Paint ball gun mounted on it. So I’m throwing the miniature prototype back together for fun. We basically used it for ripping around the yard after work, testing the Turret locking gyros and, well, shooting everything in sight.

I’ll post some pictures of it once I get a change to mount the turret again. This one is only 2.5 Feet long, 1.5 feet wide and 1.5 feet tall. But it was fun none the less.

That’s only $2.50 an hour! :frowning:

evo that looks so cool i would take bullet so it would,nt get scratched, :laughing:
hey have u thought about useing duct seal for ammo u could make like a play dough machine to sqeeze out slugs we used to shot out of 1/2 and 1/4 tubing, man what whallop and u could make ammo different sizes with the push of a button i cant imagine what 3ozs slug at 400 500 fps whould do not mention 8 of them

I have to stick to conventional approved weapons. If I reinvent the wheel, I have to through alot of processes to get it approved by the law enforcement agencies. So long as my 8 barrel bean bag gun performs consistantly with the performance of a similiar weapon, it will be easier to get approved.

That’s a cool idea though.

whats the weight and velocity of those bags ?

The prototype velocity is 250 fps. It uses 40mm beanbags that weight 3.8oz.

If a conventional shotgun is mounted, there is a wealth of non-lethal ammunition available. Beanbag pellets and ballistic pellets are often fatal even though they are boasted as non-fatal. There are also 37mm and 40mm launching guns for specialty rounds.

Here is an example of different shotgun ammo.

Sticking with Co2 propellant waives me of alot hassle getting a smokeless powder powered weapon approved for use. Basically anything that uses gunpowder or a round that goes bang, needs special evaluation and testing to be approved for use on the vehicle. Using Co2 or Compressed air power, allows the weapon to fall into a grey area with Airsoft, Pellet guns and Paintball guns. And it becomes alot easier to have the weapon inspected, tested and approved.

From my paintball experience (I was crazy about that for a while), compressed air is much betteri n terms of precision than CO2 and will keep more stable (always the same consistency) … anyway :laughing: