My first SHR robot

This is my first robot...a simple SHR. I connected a 7 segments LED mounted on a small breadboard. the LED display "G" when its going forward and "S" when it stops ans starts looking for another way. i actually didn't have a certain i kinda improvised..:)

btw....the vids maybe not that clear...i took it with my ipad2


Navigate around via sharp IR

  • Actuators / output devices: 2 motors, servo, 7 segments LED
  • CPU: Picaxe 28x1
  • Power source: 4.8V DC battery pack
  • Programming language: Picaxe basic
  • Sensors / input devices: Sharp IR sensor GP2D120
  • Target environment: indoor

This is a companion discussion topic for the original entry at

It looks like it REALLY

It looks like it REALLY wants to drive off that table.

Nice addition with the 7 segment, gives it a nice personal touch!

The eyes
When your robot looks around, it turns left and right before making a decision. How do you do that? Really good robot by the way, I can’t see any wires hanging out or anything.

That’s pretty much standard

That’s pretty much standard ‘start here’ robot code. Take a look at the top menu of the site where it says, ‘Start Here’.

I like the 7-segment

I like the 7-segment display. Neat idea. You can probably have some fun with that.

The videos are nice and clear, but it is weird seeing a wide-screen format flipped on its end!

Thanks, ignoblegnome is
Thanks, ignoblegnome is right…it’s an SHR code…just added the 7 segment code to it.
But the weird thing the dangerlevel number in the code gets bigger when my hand gets closer to the Sharp IR, so I changed that.

Ya I know it is weird, am
Ya I know it is weird, am still tryin to figure out why :stuck_out_tongue:

**Ah. **
Oh, ok. Thanks. I’ll take another look.

Ok, so…
That’s just a basic code but changed a bit to make it how you like?

Yes, exactly
Yes, exactly