My first robot

Ok I am very impressed now…

My hat’s off. That is just a bunch of nice work there, my friend.


**I love **
the body on that thing, i cant wait to see what you do with it all. Maybe you can give me a few tips on metal working!

Nice progress. Cant wait to

Nice progress. Cant wait to see more.

Your question about the IR sensors: If you mount one at the bottom. don’t make it look straight down but slightly to the front. I dont know how high the sensor will be above the ground, but you need to take into account that the IR sensors don’t give proper readings on objects that are too close.

have a look at the documentation for the sensors to see how far the nearest detection range is. It also depends on which type you have: the 30cm or 80cm ones. The longer the range: the further the minimum distance.

Thank you!
Thank you, It takes time but the results are well woth the effort. Cant wait to see walter once he is finished.

Thank you. Yes, I have just
Thank you. Yes, I have just looked at my ir sensors and the manuals, and have decided to mount one in the front for wall/object detection and one about in the middle slanted slightly down on the bottom so that it sees just in front of the bot, giving it an early warning.

Thank you
Thank you. My advice for the quickest metal working results: Find a freind that knows how :p. But really, years of practice is the best answere

I just can’t get over this metal work

The neck assembly is just beautiful. I think I might be callin’ it…

I officially forbid you from any paint. --DeLorean style, yo!

Man that thing is coming
Man that thing is coming along. Sure hope you planned for all that weight.That is going to be one awesome machine when done.I know it isn’t born yet but is it a he,or she,what name have you picked. These are all the things you relize about the time the robot becomes personal…

Nice progress
Good solution for the tread tension. They look nice and tight. Show us vids!

Yeah, what are you gonna name it?

I have no idea
I really dont know what I am going to name it yet. Im having a hard time.

Thankyou. Well, as soon as
Thankyou. Well, as soon as my chip gets here, I will plug in some simple code and show you all the treads in action.

I have slowly grow
I have slowly grow accustomed to the metal look. As per your request, no paint. I like it better without paint.


loving how this is coming together. cant wait to see the head on it. will use this as inspiration for my next bot.


That’s getting more and more promising! Waiting for new updates! Keep up great work!

The entire thing is so freaking neat! I do not have half the patience you do… Usually one of my robots lasts about a week and then I take it apart. Why? Because they are ugly :stuck_out_tongue:

wow, thankyou. Glad to have
wow, thankyou. Glad to have inspired you!


lol, thankyou
lol, thankyou

video! check it out.
video! check it out.