I have to agree. I will absolutely help with any questions, but to be honest, this is Fritsl code with modifications to handle the motor and servo differences and he has his posted https://www.robotshop.com/letsmakerobots/node/17 . But if you are having a specific problem let us all know and I’m sure you will get the answer or direction you need. And doing it yourself with guidance from this site is the most rewarding way to experiment!!! Good luck!!!
I look forward to seeing what you build. Please be sure to post your project and with updates if you can and if you can get video even better! Good luck, can’t wait to see it.
It is a trick. Or rather a method. You turn the left wheels forward while turning the right wheels backwards. That makes your vehicle turn in place. Because the wheels on either side turn at different speeds.
It is also possible to turn one set of wheels slightly faster than the other. The vehicle will still move forward, but swerve slightly to one side, thus making a wide turn. Check the "start here" link fromthe menu. That robot does also use this trick.