It turns out that the treads I was using are way to heavy/bulky so I decided to just scrap the tankbot idea for now and go with a simpler bot I am using two GM9 (143:1 90 Degree Shaft) and wheels, a Pololu micro dual serial motor controller, a Hs-311 standard servo, and a parallax ping))) ultrasonic sensor.
Ive got almost everything done, but I am going to need some help with the motor controller .
Here is my attempt at an arduino tankbot this is going to take me a while to complete because I am a little tight on money for now but I am slowly savin up, first for the motors/gearboxes, then for some sensors.
I also have to get better at codeing too :P
sits there looking around untill I fix the motor controller :P
- Actuators / output devices: 2 GM9 (143:1 90 Degree Shaft)
- Control method: autonomous
- CPU: Arduino Diecimilla
- Operating system: Mac OSX
- Power source: 9 Volt for powering the board, 8 AA batteries for motors
- Programming language: C++
- Sensors / input devices: Parallax Ping)))
- Target environment: Indoors - Carpet / tiles
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