My first omniwheeler

reminds me of the segway

reminds me of the segway rmp

just because

Sometimes you want to make a 4 wheeled bot, but the tires create too much friction to skid steer, so the omni wheels slide sides to side.

Its the most effective setup u could probably hope 4 on a simple robot unless u want to get into stuff like differential gear steering, which would then become very complicated.

that’s some short code and

that’s some short code and it navigates awesome

THANK YOU! I am glad that

THANK YOU! I am glad that someone could see that! :slight_smile:

This bot is interesting for

This bot is interesting for many reason.

- it realizes the cm ranges from the sensors are within numerical ranges of the servo commands.  therefore not a lot of manipulations are required to calculate servo movement.

- the more the left or right is constrained, the more that side moves.   a velocity profile in 1 IF statement.

- if I’m correct on this, only 1 side spins as it gets more constrained?   unlike regular 2 wheelers.

- the center of gravity appears damn perfect.

- and it all works because the omni allows the skid.

well done sir!

I actually like the original

I actually like the original omniwheel. Always nice home made stuff.

Thank you.I think you are

Thank you.

I think you are right with most of your very sharp observations, sire!

However, the trick in the very code is not the center of gravity, nor the omni wheels. I do believe that belt tracks would work fine, and that it just has to be able to turn.

In other words; the code could be easily adapted to any project that has 2 sensors, and 2+ continiously rotating servos for motion :slight_smile:

you’re welcome and whats

you’re welcome and whats with you’re picture


**Nice home made omni wheels **

Nice home made omni wheels


Cool video!I once had a Ford

Cool video!

I once had a Ford Escort that handled corners in much the same way.

At the same speed too.

Would stop and need turning back on for no reason, resulting in my bumbfounded "Huh?"

Frits, have you made this out of parts from my old car?



Recently, at my local

Recently, at my local Advanced Motorists group, we had a presentation from a chap affected by Thalidomide. I think he bought your Ford Escort! He told us that the steering modification made for him (he steers with his feet using a joystick as he has no arms or hands) “sometimes didn’t work!” What a scary thought!

Nevertheless, you still MUST applaud fritzy’s Blue Peter approach to sticky-back-plastic, safety pins, and whatever old nonsense he has lying around!!

I’m sure if Frits had got

I’m sure if Frits had got his hands on my old car he’d have come up with something a damn site better than Ford managed with their budget of millions.

Maybe the Start here robot should be called the Model T Frits?

You can have any color you want, as long as it’s yellow…   drum machine