My First EEPROM! (Test 3, with wheels!)

I think that was a brilliant
I think that was a brilliant reply. So clever that noone understands. Nice.

It’s that BASIC stuff. I used to be able to read it.

Wait a gosh darn second, Frits
I understand it fully! AND it is really good code! AND AND you are right, 75% is usable. I have been playing with it and it is going to work well with my “pots on my elbow and wrist controlling a robot arm” project. For now, I am still working on my “Big Tracks” code. --I’m pretty close with just one stupid, stupid bug!!! Soon, my friend.

basic vu

hear hear!


three units forward

When you say you store "three units forward", do you store "fwd-fwd-fwd" or "3-fwd"?

With a factor of three, the different methods do not differ much (in memspace usage). But it does mather a great deal in the higher factors! Of course, the vectorized method is a waste of space for single steps like "1-fwd". Your break even point is probably around an average of two steps per direction.

time based vs event based series

Programming a series of commands in time requires a different data model than a series programmed in events. This is what I mean by that:

The VCR remote provides its own sampling method. It is series of discrete values. The playback of those commands are in the same order as they were recorded, but not necessarily at the same speed as you pressed those RC keys.

The elbow sensor (pot) feeds continuous data into the PIC that must be sampled (at a given time resolution). The programmer/carpenter must decide how to discretize the input. Probably by adjusting the pause length in between samples (the time resolution).

By adding a trigger in the elbow sensor setup, it is the puppeteer (person in the elbow sensor) who controls the resolution. Each time he pulls (chews?) the trigger,the PIC is ordered to read another sample. Thus turning it into an event based series. Expect the playback to be out of sync again (time wise).

Final thought: introduce the null-command (channel zero on the RC perhaps). This gives the puppeteer the opportunity to influence the playback speed. Somewhat.



best project effar!

That is to say: I am trying to subscribe to this node and I think I need to reply in order to do so.

Update: I did it! I managed to click on a link to subscribe to this project. Still best project effar though.

Wow Chris!! Test 3, WOW! i

Wow Chris!! Test 3, WOW!

i still remember when you entered the site the first time :slight_smile: Man, you have made progress over the last 6 months.

Dude, you have some in ya!


Absolutely wonderful,

Absolutely wonderful, Chris,

Thanks for sharing your learning experiences with us. I’ve got ideas on using this concept as part of an auto-navigation project, but I’ve got a lot of thinking about it to do…

Duane S

Wilson, North Carolina USA

Right back at 'cha, Frits!

Couldn’t have done it without you, Fritsy!