Over the past 3 years I've been working on my Wall-E project with a lot of set backs because of design flaws, choosing the wrong materials, learning as i go and so forth but finally he's up and running. I'm adding functionally daily but I thought I'd share some of my first video footage. Some stats and dimensions: Weigth: 85 kg height and width are both 110cm, Radio Control: Aurora HiTec 9 channels, Motor Controller: Sabertooth 2x60 motors, 2 high torque wheelchair motors, 5 Arduino Uno cards, Wifi camera in eyes (live feed). Its been a challenge but a fun challange none the less ;-)
This is a companion discussion topic for the original entry at https://community.robotshop.com/robots/show/my-completed-wall-e
That looks amazing! The scale is really big. Do you have any videos of it? Would love to see it moving around!
Edit: Just seen that some vids have been added!
Thanks Guys! Your comments are humbling. Duane, you can look thru my blog:
There you may get a few answers. I’ve just started using arduinos for the more “life-like” movements and I’ll also be using them to program different sound activations in the coming months. I’ll have to post my arduino progress as well in the coming weeks
Thank you for showing these.
Thank you for showing these. They look like a labor of love, and of course sweat and money.
I liked the interaction between Wall-E and R2D2. They looked like dogs meeting for the first time. I thought they were going to fight, at one point.
I’ve always loved R2D2, and one of my planned bots is a full-sized reimagining of R2D2 as a Flash Gordon robot (Teslapunk). That may or may not happen if I don’t have the space to build it as my life is changing completely in the next several months and living in an RV is not particularly “spacious.”
SuperB job! Congratulations!
Hi Nixon,
You did a great job with that Wall-E, how the hell did you do it?
I mean besides control and power, how did you build the chassis? And the tracks? I saw your blog with some pictures, but a brief details here (and pictures) could help first visitors… Thanks and keep going!
Well, where do I start. Lets start with the “simlper” parts. The tracks originally are from a plastic coveyor belt that I covered with very thick indiviual foam rubber strips, the same kind used on workout mats. It’s much lighter that rubber but can handle the punishment much more than many realise. Then just use epoxy glue to get them to stick. Others have tried solid rubber and resin but I found those to add far too much weight to the overall finished weigth and looks wise you can’t tell the difference 
**The chasis **
For the chasis I had to go thru about 3 semi-different designs to get it right. The first design was in simpler terms a wooden beam attached to an aluminum wheel-housing with bike chain and sprocket. It was a good and inexpensive way to check if the idea was sound. I later changed that wooden beam to an aluminum for obvious stability reasons. I also changed out the smaller internal motors in the first picture for robust high torque wheelchair motors that actually look more accurate and they have a maximum pulling weight of 300kg each. The wheels themselves are are all handmade from HDPE - High Density Polyethylene Sheets (cutting board type plastic) which is very durable. I then painted them accordingly to give a it a rust and weathered look.
The frame
The frame is simlpy a wooden frame construction then covered in layers upon layers of polystyrene. Then weathered accordingly.
Great job!
This is an amazing robot, very good job!
Great job!
This is an amazing robot, very good job!
Because this is my latest build I’m still ironing out a few “querks” but the light at the end of this project is very near. Now its just the fine detailing and adjustments thats remaining 
i love Wall-e this made me want one its an awesome idea and awesome job. Later on if you can could you make his friend roach from the movie?