My Astromech Project


Hi everyone, I am currently making a collection of droids, for the project Alliance/Army of Droids, part of the Alliance of Droids. Here is what I have so far:

1. R2-D2 (Jabba's Sail Barge) - Possibly for trade

2. R4-P17 (Figure from Target)

3. R2-D2 USB's - I have a spare if anyone wants it! - $10 AU

4. 4 Lego R2-D2's - prepared to sell 2010 one for $20+ AU

5. Lego R2-D2 (Ultimate Collectors Series)

6. Hasbro R2-D2 (Myer, 2015)

7. Sp-D2 (My Droid, 2016)


Current Layby:

1. BB-8 Sphero SE (Force Band - $349 AU JB-Hi-Fi)


Expecting (from trades):

1. R3-S6 Body & Red R2 Dome


Current Wishlist:

1. R3-S6 (Any) - Anakin Skywalker Clone Wars Season 1 EP 6&7

2. R4-G9 - Obi-Wan Revenge of the Sith

3. R2-D2 (Lego Snowman 2012) - Expaned Universe (2012 Advent Calendar)

4. R2-R9

5. R3-S6 - Pop Vinyls 

6. R2-D2 (Holographic 2015 Build A Droid)

7. R2-D2 (Lightsaber)

8. R2-D2 (Secret Death Star Plans - Possibly custom?)

9. Sp-D2 Custom

10. AoD custom

11. R2-B00 - EU 2016

12. R2-H16 - EU 2016

13. R2-D2 (McQuarrie Concept) - EU

14. C2-B5 - Rogue One 2016


I plan to add mlre to this wishlist (eventually).

Keep an eye out for updates when I have them!


Where did you get the chasis

Where did you get the chasis for some of these?
Also, what would be the best way of making a decent K2 head?