My $10 Bluetooth Transceiver Module

Has anyone ever used one of these with success?

I bought one the other day to replace a BlueSmirf that I sold with another project. So far I can get it to pair with my bluetooth dongle using “1234” as the PIN. I tested that it is indeed sending characters by connecting the TX and RX leads and the characters I send via Lynxterm get echoed back. Unfortuantely, I have not been able to get the SSC32 to receive commands. The green light never goes off.

Hardware wise, I have it hooked up in the same configuration as my old bluesmirf.

Thoughts? Experience?

I love cheep Chinese crap like this!
If I were to make a comment, I would guess the problem you are having is terribly simple… I can only speculate what it might be.

what I would recommend to help you debug the situation.

Get the BT receiver’s output pins connected to a comport of perhaps a laptop or the same computer… I have a serial/usb adapter I use to program my bb2 that I keep around. I coded something on an Arduino that I needed to verify if serial data was actually comming out of the device, I then connected the softwareserial pin off the arduino to pin 2 of the serial /usb adapter. It worked! I only needed a single wire since everything was already grounded off the usb cable it was plugged into.

find a way to snoop the actual data getting sent to the SSC32 and compare that to whats comming out of your bluetooth ebay device. could it be something as simple as a CR "char return?

I’m curious to know what you find.


Check your baud rates.

Alan KM6VV

Thanks for the advice. I will fiddle some more and report back.

I also found the following links which might be useful if anyone else tries one of these in the future:
How To Guide: … +Telemetry
Product Documentation: … manual.pdf


You were both correct. The Bluetooth hardware was set to 9600 baud by default. I hooked up my usb to serial cable to the back of my SSC-32 and plugged the bluetooth TX/RX wires into the place where the serial jumpers usually go. Ran PuTTY and set the baud rate to 115200.

Works like a charm.

For anyone trying this in the future, copy and paste your AT commands into your terminal application. The module is really picky about timing. You may even have to repeat it a few times for good measure.