I know now some of the I know now some of the things that I royally mucked up when I was younger.
And memory is interesting. Until an old girlfriend and I were talking, I had completely forgotten some things that we talked about, but when she said something that touched on the topic, I remember one conversation down to where I was in my parents’ house when we talked.
And one thing that I absolutely thought I remembered from Star Trek turned out to be false.
Many of those forgotten memories are still there in our minds, just inaccessible until we find the right key, which could me a smell, a sound, or even rereading a book. I wonder if our brains have the equivalent of a Null Pointer Error?
I should try to put OpenCog I should try to put OpenCog on a RasPi. But it will take a while. It would probably have to be compiled and it’s a large program.
Raspberry with raspbian does fine as a server. When developing with raspberry care to have 2A power supply and or even better with also a battery. When power goes off or isn’t enough the raspberry restarts, which isn’t nice when you was writing on sd card.
If you don’t use the graphic user interface you get 400mb of ram with the model B. I haven’t tried to attach a external disk yet.
I prefer Ubuntu, but I’ll I prefer Ubuntu, but I’ll take anything. I’ve learned that when compiling I have to give as little memory to the GPU as possible and yes, shut off the graphical user interface. And kill anything I don’t need.
Raspbian uses the debian package management, which it’s the same of ubuntu. I tried and Raspi can support a 1Tb hard drive, but powering it directly from the microcomputer, better with a double connector(data & power), with power supplied by a battery or a usb charger. A full computer or a laptop may be easier to use anyway:)
I’m going to try putting it I’m going to try putting it on a RasPi because I’m curious if the tutorial will work on it. I use pretty large SD cards so I should have enough space to at least run it if it and all the libraries needed will run.
I’ve been diving into this new world on my new RPi 2 B and have been thinking about MMRAI a bit. Lets say I have several Pi 2s, or some ODroids, Cubieboards, or Jetsons mixed in, and have some ideas for dividing a brain into about 10 different major functions.
It would seem I need some good design and communication standards and some kind of asynchonous library for agents to talk to one another on the same or different boards.
Thoughts… For prototyping, I might start with Python because it’s easier to change things about. I know that the OpenCog project is trying to get their imaging component, DeSTIM, converted to Python so that they can experiment with different algorithms more easily.
For prototyping I wouldn’t worry too much about the speed of the protocols. When you need to worry about them, my suggestion is to look at multi-machine database code. I know that PostgeSQL is open source.
At the current prices, I would go for an Odroid-C1 becuase it’s similar to the RasPi 2, but around $5-10 cheaper. And yet the Odroid is faster (1.5 Ghz) by a small amount if you’re thinking about making a cluster.
There is the AllWinner A80 chip (at least that what I think is the designation) which has 8 ARM cores. I’d love to see a board with four of those made by somebody who knows parallel processing. There are a couple of boards that are supposedly out or near out that have the A80.