No, wrong thought --- it's not a Jack O'Lantern robot. Mr. Sunsmile changes his facial expression according to the brightness of the ambient light. A LDR is hidden in his top hat. The different facial expressions are shown below:
I only used parts which I had around --- maybe there is a more easier and smart solution. Due to the lack of I/0 pins of the Picaxe-08M, I had to use a decade counter CMOS 4017 as well as a diode matrix to realize the 5 different facial expressions of Mr. Sunsmile. Attached you can find the circuit diagram.
A lot of soldering work:
Every LED row of his mouth is covered by a small cardboard stripe, so the LEDs can not shine through to the next row. To express more "feelings", a alphanumeric LED display coud be used:
That's it for the moment, maybe later more:)
Changes his facial expression according to brightness
- Actuators / output devices: 11 LEDs in the moment, maybe later more
- Control method: autonomous
- Power source: 4.8V, 700 mAh NiCd
- Programming language: Picaxe basic
- Sensors / input devices: LDR
- Target environment: Indoor or outdoor
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