Mounting brackets for SRF05 (Open letter to Jack / DAGU)

Active Robots sells these

Active Robots sells these mounts for Sharps and SRF’s (UK based). You can buy a “sensor+mount” bundle and save a couple of pounds.


**This is amazing! **

This is amazing! I have seen this mount (and Mr. General) before but it want not until OddBot sent me a link to his prototype that I understood how it came to be. I just want to say congratulations to Dagu for being a manufacture who knows their customer, listens to them, and creates a great product and a big THANK YOU to all on LMR who get this kind of stuff done!

Yes, it’s cool… But it

Yes, it’s cool… But it appears to me that DAGU are making the brackets without the link printed on them - If that is true, I think that is kind of uncool!