Motors. Again. Concerning speed and how much weight, mainly

its ok.

Good… :smiling_imp:

I also found this: Clicky

My project’s really starting to take off!



ok, but about the first motor driver you posted. It is for forward and reverse right?? Is it also plug and play or do you have to program it somehow? Can it also be connected to a radio controller and reciever. The reason I asked is because Im interested in buying it for a project.


Those questions are for this driver:

I’m betting that it’s just like any other H-Bridge module.
You PWM to it with an I/O of a microcontroller and it produces a proportional, but much higher power PWM through the positive wire going to the motor, thus controlling speed.

Thanks Nick. I asked this becuase I want to build a surveillance boat for offshore surveillance. Im calling it the “MS Coastguard”. The way I will be doing this is building a waterproof body from lexan and housing rc boat motors and electronics and lights + cameras on the inside. I will be using the H-bridge to drive the boat forward and reverse and use servo powered rudders (wich I will custom fabricate as well) to steer the boat. I will be using a Hitek laser 4 to controll it wirelessly. Sound plausable or am I trying to steer a sinking ship?? (pun is intended BTW)

Not only does it sound plausible, it sounds totally cool!


Thanks for all your help guys - the component list is nearly complete and I’m getting ready to buy’n’build…


One last question is: What’s the best way to attach your motor to your chassis? And how do you attach wheels. (Remembering that I’m needed a 10KG weight on board, so it needs to be heavy duty!)


I ussually Make the whole big enough to put the whole shaft into and then screw it into the body instead of using mounting plates. I’ll draw out a picture to show you…hold on.


BTW, I just noticed the price of wheels!!!

:open_mouth: :open_mouth: :open_mouth:


heres the pic, hope it helps.

Thanks! That does help.


WOW :open_mouth: …I helped someone :smiley: