Motor control

Dude… Your gears…


Forget all this gear ratio stuff and speed and torque and whatever… Some gears are better than no gears --Glue some wheels to the outputs, wire up some batteries and see if it goes. After that start sticking a bunch of weight on it -Batteries, the picaxe board, etc. and see if it still goes. Once you have anything at all that will make some batteries and a brain go around, start playing with the high/low commands and learn from there. Don’t forget to use the L293D motor controller on your board.

If it doesn’t go, well, start mowing some grass or shoveling snow because you are going to need a few bucks to buy some proper motors. Untill then, use EVERYTHING you have to learn from. --And this is a guy who named his kid MacGyver. By the way, you are too young to remember MacGyver so really your first task is to go here and watch some episodes. --Best show ever!!

No gearing on the motors =
No gearing on the motors = Low torque high RPM.

OK, wiill du…
ok, will du, as soon as i think of a way to hook up wheeles. meanwhile, after having a rough day at school(tests,tsets and tests,) im gonna go play wii

Ways to hook up Wheels

Hey Nick.

When these guys talk about gears on motors, they’re talking about a “gearbox” which is very similar to the picture you posted, but for 1 thing: you see where the little gears attached to the motor drive the larger ones and there is a medium sized gear on top of the big one? Well normally that gear wouldnt be there and instead would have a shaft, just like the motor without the gears.

to attach wheels, some of us use hubs that come with wheels…you might be able to canabalize some wheels and hubs off of an old remote controlled car or truck, You might want to check a thrift store or goodwill. Goodluck bro

im still amazed at howmany people that ansered this foum topic, i thought you guys would all get P.O.ed at me after seeming this dull^^. i must thank you all for your suegestions, and because of everybodys help, im on my way to my first robot!(not including NXT)