More Pro Mini Breakout Boards (21399Bytes)

Update 6/7/14

Added .brd and .sch files below of version two. This version is slightly smaller and has considerably wider traces for everything that uses significant current. Not near as asthetically pleasing as Rev. 1 but that's what Rev. 3 is for ;)


I've been playing with the dirt cheap Arduino Pro Mini boards for a while now and when Badji and Brassfly posted their breakout boards, I had to join in. I jumped right into Eagle and ordered these boards a few weeks later. This iteration simply breaks out all of the connections, provides vcc/gnd rails, and has a screw terminal for i2c connections.


I desperately wanted to add all kinds of fun features to this board, but as I'm still getting my feet wet, I tried to keep it as simple as possible in order to identify my mistakes when it arrived. The boards were fabricated by OSH Park and I'm overall pleased with the quality, one of the boards has a half dozen or so errors in the silk screen but for the most part are of superb quality. I was expecting these boards to be a learning experience and was not very confident in my Eagle skills, I have been pleasantly suprised, to this point I have not found any errors that affect the performance of the board. The only error I've found is some silk screen for the power screw terminal is partly covered by the terminal outline. I opted to not include a regulator, or led's on this version but when I get around to it, I'll make a version that has some features seen in Badji, and Brassfly's designs and maybe some more features. Feedback on the board would be appreciated! Once again, thanks to Badji and Brassfly for the idea and I think I've been bitten by the "PCB design bug" and will be certainly working on some more boards in the near future.

I'm more than willing to provide the Eagle files to anyone interested. 



Very nicely done!

A very nice board that you made there. Each time I make a board design I learn more. I usually learn the lessons after the boards have been produced and I am assembling them…DOH!

But once you havve the bug you cannot stop! My mentor told me that and he was right!

Very nice. I made my own

Very nice.  I made my own version, single-sided, and etched it at home,  Your’s looks much nicer. :slight_smile:  I really like the 3 pin headers (which I did with mine too), but didn’t think about breaking the I2C pins out to separate headers.

I like the yellow on purple!

I like the yellow on purple! :smiley:  Wish I’d thought to get something other than black headers for my boards.

That looks really cool

That looks really cool Nathan. I am also looking at some cheap pro minis on ebay, they’re tiny.

Any chance you would share the eagle files?

I just got in my Arduino Pro Mini’s and started looking for something like this.  Any chance you would share the eagle files?

Had to create an account just to ask :slight_smile:

I’m actually out of town at the moment without my laptop until later this week. Once I get home I’ll post a link. Thanks for taking an interest, this is the whole reason I made this post, I hope you’ll pass it on and inspire some other budding LMR member!

I disagree. You didn’t

I disagree. You didn’t create an account just to ask. In fact, you have just landed on the greatest robot building community all across the internet! Now you can make and post some cool robots and stuffs and others can ask how you did that :slight_smile: