UPDATE 11/30/2012
Hello all, been pretty busy lately with things, but it was brought to my attention we don't have much time left for this competition! I've decided to extend the final date a bit so those of us busy with holiday plans, etc, will have more time to complete their robots. Happy Holidays!
NEW DATE: January 30th, 2013
UPDATE 9/26/2012
If you're going to enter for the contest please either 'collect' this post, or post a reply with your intent to enter. We need at least six(6) entries to consider this thing to work and have both prizes! Anything less than that and I might just have to do only one prize...
The time is soon upon us, that frightful time of the year when monsters and ghosts and things that go bump in the night come out to play. Be afraid, be very afraid...
In a nod to NilsB's Bosewicht (https://www.robotshop.com/letsmakerobots/node/33969) and Monster Catcher (https://www.robotshop.com/letsmakerobots/node/33927) robots, I thought it would be fun to have a little challenge for this 2012 Halloween. Now to be fair, I did look back through the older LMR challenges and noticed there was already a previous Halloween challenge, but I didn't see any final results from that one. This one has a bit of a twist!
Either way, it's all in good fun. Now, for the rules...
1. Most important! Your monster must be scary looking! The creepier, the better.
2. Your monster must be made (grown?) by you, and you alone!
3. Your monster must not have been entered into a previous Halloween challenge.
That's it! That's all you have to do. Considering the time frame I've posted, I don't expect anything too complex. Think: glowing eyes, rumbling noise from speakers, or oozing green slime from a hidden pump. E.g., a "hairy" 8 legged octo-walker giant spider from the abyss that spews 'venom' (silly string) from its mandibles?!
FIRST PLACE: Micro Magician !!!!!!!!!
Wow! NilsB has graciously offered to award a DAGU Micro Magician controller board! Awesome!
Second Place: ARDUINO UNO REV3 !!!!!
Extra points given to those that can post video of your creature scaring others (cough JAX).
As for the winning entry, it will be decided by LMR vote. Greatest number of votes wins!
P.S. The reason for December 23rd as a final turn-in date is because a) it’s before Christmas, and b) the world is ending according to the Mayans. Duh.