Modular powerfull linux robot kit with camera WIFI actuators and sensors

PiKit is modular and powerful robotic kit for everyone. Be a part of robotic revolution with PiKit. Raspberry Pi with Linux operating system, computer vision and wifi connectivity gives a new dimension to your robot. Thanks to our modules is now very easy to create several types of robots. Every module has own control library so you don't need to struggle with all that unproductive base level coding to run GPIO's.

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expensive! and it’s more an

expensive! and it’s more an ad than a robot.
I like a lot the idea of snapping things together and simplicity, but modularity it’s a curse when you are stuck to buy 100$ modules when their harder-to-use parts cost 10 or 20$.
Much better to make a crowdfunding about making documentation and small diy kits!

It also didn’t look like all
It also didn’t look like all their parts could be used together. I didn’t see an example of the head being used with the spider rather than the balancer.

Other than that it’s rather expensive for what you get. I’d like to have seen something about interfacing the robot with outside sensors rather than home control.

WOWW!!! Thanks for sharing!! I don’t know much about this but got something more informative on this.