Mobile webcam bot

This is not autonomous it is a remote mobile webcam that can be operated over the internet using wireless for tele conference. I used google talk so I could talk to my dog from work :)


 nylon cutting board


2 gear head motors


1 caster


1 rc car speed controller


1 eeepc with ubuntu installed via flash drive


1 servo controller


1 rc car nicad battery


2 rubber bouncing balls for wheels


2 servos


1 webcam


3 usb cables


not sure of cost since this is stuff i had laying around except for te servo controller


I X forwarded the the gui server controller for remote control and then just called the laptop with google talk no real code just a lazy hack :)

This is a companion discussion topic for the original entry at

I ordered a raspberry pi and

I ordered a raspberry pi and plan to replace the laptop with that I am a linux SA at work so $25 linux micro system as a robot brain is apealing to me.