MK 1 Sumo Robot

This was my first attempt at a sumo robot, built about 8 years ago, it used 2 servos for propulsion, and had a Basic Stamp 1 to control it, it had photo cells under the front ramp for edge detection, and a IR led and receiver to find its target.

It has now been pulled to piece's and the part used in other robots, except the BS1 which i think i fried. :( 

turn L & R looking for target, then full speed attack until it detects white line on edge of ring then it backs up and turns round.

  • Actuators / output devices: 2x Continous Rotation servo's ( done by myself)
  • Control method: autonomous
  • CPU: Old Basic Stamp 1, pre-dates the IC version
  • Operating system: Basic Stamp
  • Power source: 2 x 9V, reduce servo life though, running servos at 9v to improve speed.
  • Sensors / input devices: home made IR
  • Target environment: indoor sumo ring

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