mini tank

hello everyone im in the middle of making a robot which uses an arduino and an ultra sonic sensor (clone of ping so it has the same pinouts) ive got the robot and i have a code but the code has servos an one of my servos just broke so i was wondering if it was possible to convert this code to a code that uses dc motors ive tried this a couple times but i havent had any luck heres i tried pasting my current code but i just ended landscape format?? first is this code even correct and can i change it to one that uses dc motors?also might i need a motor shield im pretty sure mines busted. and one last thing which pins on the arduino do i connect the motors to? ive looked online with no useful information thanks alot

hello again heres a little update since chuckcrunch is making a robot like mine but his has a servo i put one on mine too also ive got my motor shield

  • Control method: autonomous
  • Operating system: windows XP
  • Power source: recharable battery (6v - 12v)
  • Sensors / input devices: seeed studios ulra sonic
  • Target environment: Indoors is best

This is a companion discussion topic for the original entry at

You’ll need one

you’ll need an H bridge or some other type of motor controller to get the motors running off the arduino, or else you will fry your Arduino pins. Try an L298HN for free sampling. Also, if possible, try to get 2 different supplay battery packs for your arduino and the motors so that there is less interference going to the arduino.

Yeah, you will need a motor

Yeah, you will need a motor shield or DIY h-bridge. I love the look of your mini tank, though. Looking forward to seeing it in action.

Thanks a lot for nice comments and tips
I do have an adafruit motor shield will that work? Also I can’t wait to your clone of my robot maybe you can help me with mine when your done

Like this one? Yep, that

Like this one? Yep, that shield should be fine.

**anyone have any idea **

on how i can mount my arduino to the robot? maybe how did you do yours?

Add more!

Add more pictures so that we can get a better look at the robot, i think standoffs will be an option for you.

ill try to figure out how to post more picture (dont know how)

as well as mounting the arduino do you know if theres a place i can get standoffs without ordering online? i would have this robot up and runnning but im really bad at writing code so im waitng to see chuckcrunch’s version and ask him for his code. once i have this robot up and running im going to buy some recharbale batteries i hope this will be the first robot tthat accualy works :slight_smile:


thanks alot crunch your a big help in the making of this robot

i should be done by wendesday if i dont get a lot of homework also i would like more of your code thanks you can email me or just post it here

**oh thanks alot chow mix **

last time i checked i couldnt find any ill just look harder also one more thing what batteries should i use voltage wise. im going to use i was thinking 2 AA for the arduino and a 10v rechargable for the motors i want this robot to  have moderate speed ive seen really cool robots on this site but there all pretty slow so any suggestions?

I like how it looks! :smiley:

I like how it looks! :smiley: Looking forward to see a video and more pics!

This is a very cool looking,

This is a very cool looking, tidy little bot!