Military Armed Reconaissance Combat (MARC) ROBOT

645MG. 8)

For any kind of aiming accuracy, the pan servo probably should be on the bottom and the tilt servo on the top.

Its just a tilt mechanism, no panning. I don’t have enough channels to add panning so I will steer the bot left/right in place of this.

If you put the webcam on the gun it could be like a BATTLEZONE interface.

Control it with two sticks and put the fire button on top of one.


This Rover definitely needs a camera on the gun~

More back to your post. What help do you need with the code? Are there any specific questions?

I’ve decided that the range of the ps2 controller to the ABB is insufficient for my requirements, so I will be using a laser 4 and laser 6 to control the robot.

PS, the robot WILL have a camera on the gun. It will have two altogether, one on the pan/tilt for driving and one on the gun for aiming and also as an overhead obstacle avoidance cam.

Sounds like fun. Are you going to simply allow the laser to control the robot? ie go directly to your motor controller and maybe to your pan/tilt, or do you only want the hitec to direct it some times and have your Atom (or Pro) control it other times? If the later then I may be working on similar code very soon for my Rover.

I received the parts to start working on this today, including a new Bot Board 2, Atom Pro, and several servo jumpers that I can take from the RC receiver to pins p0-p5 on the Pro (or maybe only a subset). Then my plans are if the gear switch is in one position, to simply forward the pulses to the motor controler and/or servos and in other modes maybe do something else, like track an object or…

The problem is that I will be solving this using some of the capabilities of the PRO. In Particular servicing the WKPINT0 to 5 interrupts. But I will help if I can.


That sounds like interesting. The navigating autonomously and object navigating would be great to implement for my robot (have it track an object and shoot it :smiley: ). Unfortunately it is late in the project to change my original plans (this is for a provincial science fair and hopefully nations again :smiley: ).

I’d love to implement this into my robot after I am done with the fairs just for fun and to test your coding. I’ll give you a shout in a few months when Im over with the science fairs, maybe we can work together and figure out a good way of building an autonomous combat robot able to track and shoot objects (never been done before to my knowledge :wink: ).

thanks for the input!

PS. I may be changing the name from Military Artillary Reconaisance Combat Robot to Military Armed Reconaisance Combat Robot. Makes more sense since Artillary refferrs to indirect weapons such as missiles ect instead of targeting weapons such as the gun I am using.

ummm? :wink: :


still some bugs to work out, a little bit of jerkyness with the servos too. I also need to attach the 1.2GHZ camera to the tilt/pan and the 2.4GHZ camera to the gun as well as a small laser pointer. And than I need to add an on/off switch for the super cool cathode lights on the inside. Talk about style! 8)

works good for the first official test run with everything working.

After the bugs are worked out (movement), I need to build a suitcase like housing for the two controllers and the portable DVD that will display the cameras.

this project has been challenging yet satisfying when things work out and I’m loving every minute working on it!

Try an isometric view. We wanna see the bot from an angle, not head on. :wink:

Oh, and it looks really good! :smiley:

Wow! This robot is nice! I would like to see it Iso too.

I ahve a question : do you have some sort of cooling system in the case with the motors/electronics and baterries, it would seem that it would get hot very fast in there!

Good work on the bot! I can’t wait to start another robot project sigh it’s been a long time…

Um, the components he is using really aren’t taxed at all. I seriously doubt it could heat up much.

My exact thought.

Also, pics in Iso will be along shortly, right now I am mounting the cameras and drilling another hole to mount an on/off switch externally to the robot (for the cathode lights :smiling_imp: )

I was searching for a particular 'bot and stumbled upon this: … _900px.jpg

I, course, immediatly thought of you and your project.

I’d shure hate to be hiding inna cave and have summat like that crawl into my life…

That’s one of the SWORD rovers the US military has developed.

Dang, Evo beat me to it! :stuck_out_tongue: Like he said its one of the SWORDS robot, they are able to carry many different kinds of weapons, EVEN anti-tank armor rockets I believe. That was my inspiration for my project. However the purpose of my project was to see whether a more inexpensive Robot could be made. Right now the SWORD Robot and other Talen Robots are sold to the US military for 250 000 each. I’d like to see someone create something similar with a 3rd of that cost.

My project is a prototype of a simple weaponized robot that could be made at a fraction of the cost even when using industrial parts (mine uses hobby parts since it is a prototype).

Interesting these bots are! :slight_smile:

Made me think of this guy:

Anyway, Robots like that that aren’t hobby robots are expensive because they must not fail, it has to be a very strong base, the shooting system has to be perfect otherwise there could be friendly fire and so on… bullet proof components are also kinda expensive, also those tracks could cost a fortune…

But they could still be made much cheaper, I think the company making them gets ample profits

Whats worth more to you? Ample profits or having to hear of another Canadian Soldier die in Afganastan on the news every week?

pfff, we still use Hercules helicopters… :laughing: You actualy think we can buy ONE of them? And I guess some high CEO would sadly prefere high profits.