Microsoft Robotics Studio

Hi, does anyone here know Microsoft Robotics Studio (MSRS)?

Does anyoneone used it?

Do you think MSRS will be a standard on programming robots?

Personally I wold not even

Personally I wold not even look at it for the two letters “MS” :slight_smile:

It’s not a relegion, but simply bad experience on every possible level with that company!

MSRS solutions

I’ve been checking about MSRS and there are a lot of Robotic companies worldwide that are adopting the software solution offered by Microsoft, I’m developing some applications with MSRS and the truth is that is a very good platform for programming robots.


To what protocols does the robot need to conform?


Thy just realized the DSS Protocol (DSSP)


Damn, I guess I had

Damn, I guess I had something to say about the subject… :slight_smile: