Microcore Walker

74AC14 microcore ( L293D driver )





  • Actuators / output devices: 2x Solarbotic geared motor
  • Target environment: outdoor

This is a companion discussion topic for the original entry at https://community.robotshop.com/robots/show/microcore-walker

very nice creature! looks
very nice creature! looks so organic!!!

I am interested in the legs

Looks like you hot glued some paper clips together. :smiley:

hot glue and duct tape are what makes the world go around.

Wow! I said when I saw that!

Wow! I said when I saw that! Best quadrapod of it’s kind that I have ever seen!

More photos?

Why don’t ya fill out the entire scheme on the “submit robot”? You can edit it and give us some more :slight_smile:

And as said; Photos!! I’d like to understand how this thing is doing what it is!

AH! I get it!?!Because of

AH! I get it!?!

Because of the angle, the overall "v-shape", the legs automatically lifts when they should! Very cool!

So it is just 2 motors with legs, but the way they are placed in angle to each other makes the legs move up from the ground when moving forward!!


** <<hot glue and duct tape**

<<hot glue and duct tape are what makes the world go around.>>

haha you are damn right :slight_smile:




nice one!
Cute little walker. I like it lots.

you are right…the dynamic

you are right…

the dynamic (unstable) equilibrium is the key that make this bot walk

the trick is the correct motor angle , leg geometry and weight balance…

those parameter have to be tuned so the body tend to fall left and right at every step with the right timing

the critical aspect with this sort of walker is weight/power ratio -> too weight and it easily become a sitting duck…

infact it works for few minutes because low energy 9v battery




very natural and also very
very natural and also very fast! thumbs up!

Hey Noise
I am just now getting around to commenting… I adore your work sir, all of them. The solar (brainless) line follower is brilliant but this walker is so organic in it’s moves, it’s almost a little creepy. Good stuff, sir --Good stuff.

any clues about what those
any clues about what those ratios are? For example, what angle are the legs spread at? How much weight vs power are you using? That’s an awesome, awesome bot.

Really Organic!!!
Really Organic!!!

wow this one is awesome:)
wow this one is awesome:)

this is a cool tutorial on

this is a cool tutorial on microcore walkers


can it turn?
hmm? cool way of walking :slight_smile: