Microcontroller Recomendations

**Man! All these freaking comments in my Inbox is like making **

Man! All these freaking comments in my Inbox is like making me Mental. It’s like Mario, Duino and Luigi.

I think we might have a war

I think we might have a war between the PICAXE and Arduino. lolz

I personally like the PICAXE.

It’s easy to program and versatile.

I wouldn’t call it a

I wouldn’t call it a war…just different opinions…


I have been very busy lately. I am thinking PICAXE is best.

What ever

LOOK at this ARDUINO based board it kicks any picass, anyday.


Has anyone actually owned

Has anyone actually owned both of the boards and can make a resonable conclution which one they would prefer if they were a beginner. I started with the Arduino, im fine with it, i think Gui-bot made a start here for the Arduino,

No, because they are only

No, because they are only circuit with name. Atmega8 on Arduino is MCU, not Arduino.


Both! looks like a arduino but it is a picaxe!



AVR all the way

Below is an easy tutorial for getting started with AVRs.  Plus, avrfreaks.net is a huge resource full of totorials and forums on how to code Atmel AVR microcontrollers.


These are cheap MCUs and have very good documentation.  You can get a programmer from Pololu.com for $20 which can also act as a slow oscilloscope and a USB to serial (RS232) adapter.

You can code in C programming language, something that is worth getting used to now, hopefully you aren’t intimidated by it.  I think PicAxes use Basic programming language (someone please confirm what it uses if you know) and even some free flowchart, more visual programming software suites.

You can visit my channel on youtube at http://www.youtube.com/user/OITRC which has links in the description to a sourceforge page to download the AVR code used in the video.  This may help you get a feel for the C code used in AVRs and help you feel more or less comfortable with the idea of programming in C.


I would like to throw .NET

I would like to throw .NET Micro Framework into this mix but as the question is;

Which microcontrollers to you recomend? Which are best for beginers ( and the bank:-)? Thanks for the help.

I would defiantly go for the PICAXE. They are cheap with a free programming IDE. It gives the user a great start into the bits and bytes of a microcontroller, and its dead easy to program. Start with that!