Microcontroller for Controlling Servos

Another great idea ! thank you!

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so I got the T8S and is working great, I wish i had 360 rotation servos, now i need something that will let me record a voice and i can plug in T8S receiver. Any idea/suggestion?
Thank youā€¦

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I also need some better servo for this project. I am completely disappointed with the servos MG996. The range of movement degree is so small when used with a radiolink. I have no ideas why.

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I cannot see where you mentioned you would have liked 360 degree servos?

now i need something that will let me record a voice and i can plug in T8S receiver. Any idea/suggestion?

The receiver can provide 5V power to external devices.

Others: https://www.robotshop.com/collections/audio-synthesis

HOWEVER note that many of these require 9V to 12V, which means youā€™d need a step up voltage regulator between the voice module and the receiver. This is where you should really understand all connections before powering the unit. Most of these quire soldering.

Ex: Buck Converter with LED Display - RobotShop

The range of movement degree is so small when used with a Radiolink. I have no ideas why.

Most RC servos can rotate 0 to 180 degrees. What range are you getting? If itā€™s less than 180, note that you can configure the signal range being sent - check out the Radiolink manual.


thank you for the informationā€¦ i am going to look to it and see what i can do with the voice module. I can solder a bitā€¦ not my forte but i can do it.
The servos that i got are MG996R 55g Metal Gear Torque with 180 deg rotation, however I get a smaller rotation then the 180ā€¦ I adjusted on the parameters through the phone , but still not getting the 180. I have read some information about these cheep servos they mentioned the angle of the rotation will diminished when used with the radiolink. That was my fault because i picked these servos without reading to much about it. For my next project i think i will go with 360 deg so i can adjust this better on my phone with the radio link app. Thatā€™s why i wanted to know what will be your recommendation for a better build.
Thank you in advance

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When you manually rotate the servoā€™s output horn, what range of motion do you get before you hit the end stops? What actual angle are you getting?
Some RC transmitters send a reduced signal by default (to ensure the end stops are not hit) which have to be manually changed to get the full 500 to 2500 us pulse range.

If you really think itā€™s the servos, a safe bet should be Hitec (422, 645MG for example):


I am getting 120 angle and the range of motion is between 800 and 2200.
Thank you for the suggestion on servos. It will be for sure on my very next project build.

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It sounds like the pulses being sent are the issue, not the servo itself. Check the manual to see how to extend / maximize the pulse range.


Hi is me againā€¦ i fix it ā€¦ thank you! i was able to fix it with adjusting the position of the servo.
I have a question for youā€¦ I am interested about this package ā€¦ ROBOTIS ENGINEER Kit 1 AI Enabled Robot ā€¦ its this a good package to learn more in deep robotic? Do they provide a bit of programming lesson there? And Thank you as always.

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The software for the ROBOTIS ENGINEER Kit 1 are:

Those are not really ā€œprogramming languagesā€ and are more sequencers. If you want to learn more about robotics and programming, you might start with a more ā€œfundamentalsā€ kit like:

Ex: https://www.robotshop.com/products/arduino-starter-kit


thatā€™s really helpful! thank you.

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