Micro Sumo New videoo (hd)

  • Actuators / output devices: GM10 81:1 Geared Pager Motor
  • Control method: Autonom
  • CPU: pic16f628a
  • Power source: Lipo 3.7V at 1000mAh
  • Programming language: Picbasic Pro
  • Sensors / input devices: SHARP GP2Y0D810Z0F 10CM

This is a companion discussion topic for the original entry at https://community.robotshop.com/robots/show/micro-sumo-new-videoo-hd

Great looking machine!

That’s very impressive.  I’d love to see some details of how you made it.

Very nice! Which motor did

Very nice! Which motor did you use?

Isn’t 10cm to short range

Isn’t 10cm too short range for a microsumo? Maybe better choice would be gp2y0d340k - not too big package and very nice interface - just 1/0. 


i was just thinking those sensors are digital, not analog, did this give you any trouble?


I find it hard enough to make a mini sumo (10cmx10cm) :stuck_out_tongue:


you should have it rotate along it own axis to search for the oponenet, and then when something is detected, it attacks :smiley:

Dc Motor



GM10 81:1 Geared Pager Motor



GM10 1" Wheel Blue





Pololu carrier with Sharp GP2Y0D810Z0F digital distance sensor 10cm.


Lipo 3.7V at 1000mAh


you should make the training

you should make the training area back with a WHITE outline, like a real sumo ring. otherwise your robot will be riding on the (white)edge :slight_smile:

also: 10cm is too short range for a microsumo. the ring is Ø77cm

Not really. Ring for

Not really. Ring for microsumo is Ø38,5cm, and for miniusmo it is Ø77cm :slight_smile: But I agree with this range, anyway. The 340k’s would be the best choice, i think.

ohh yeah! i was thinking of

ohh yeah! i was thinking of minisumo :stuck_out_tongue:

And have you ever seen

And have you ever seen nanosumo :smiley: ? It’s official class, 2,5cmx2,5cmx2,5cm (1in^3) :] 

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