MeArm - Open Source Robot Arm

The MeArm is a project I've been working on since February. It's an open source robot arm. I think this is the reason I've not shared on here before, this big white box looks so big and I always stall on what to write! This is essentially filler for the time being, I'm better at editing content than creating new stuff so this is for the edit really. The dxf files are thingiverse and I can't attach them to this post (for laser cutting) but a pdf of the outlines are on the post.

This is a companion discussion topic for the original entry at

This is really cool

Thanks for the post, this design has me rethinking my robot arm, I like how most of the motor mass is not suspended. Nice work.


Well done I love your designs.

Wow you should know I am in developement for a robot arm that is soft that can 3d print. That is why I found this very cool. Although my arm is not heavy lifting or nearly as steady as yours which is definetly an intresting feature about yours but is soft, flexible, and very portable. The only problem with my arm which I like about yours is that it requires 8 I/O ports for sending air to the robot arm while yours can use a circuit board. Well done I love your designs.

I made one!

Great to see this is on LetsMakeRobots. I found the design on Thingiverse and decided to give it a go. I soldered an extra lead to the centre tapping on each of the servos before assembly in the hope that I could make a teachable arm however the resolution wasn’t that great (think the pot isn’t operated 0-5V and instead over a narrower voltage range). Still, it was a fun project and the design and instructions were simple yet elegant. Thanks for sharing your design!