MeArm by me

This is my MeArm. I built it in an afternoon, but took 3 weeks to get a controller up and going.

I decided to put a 4 servo controller onto the base that accepts serial data from a "master" controller and then uses that to control the servos. (thats what took me most of the 3 weeks)  In this way the "master" controller can be anything that can output serial data at 9600 baud, the master controller can then handle all the "thinking" stuff like inverse kinematics, replay and the like.

The "master" (Dr Who anyone?) for testing was actually a lucky find, I tipped out my stuff box and the controller analouge stick bard was in the pile, I was too lazy to desolder the joystics when I took apart the controller and now I am glad since I just had to connect my pic to the pads on the board.


I have included the code for the servo controller since I could not find anything like that on the net and mayne it can be of use to someone.

This is a companion discussion topic for the original entry at


I want to build one of these soon:) use 4nimh AA batteries instead of alcalines, they last longer!


I am kinda intimidated by rechargable batteries, I can see the advantages but working safely with them is for the moment beyond me.  I guess I need to research them more.

Nimh don’t explode

NiMh are safe as alcalines, just recharge them with a NiMh battery charger. And store them in a way to not make accidental contact between + and - ( just don’t put the batteries in a pocket full of metallic objects ). When on a battery holder double check where the positive and negative ends are.

However all these precautions also apply to alcaline (except charging).

LiPo batteries need more care, but as long as you attach them to the right circuitry, they can be even safer to operate. Most of LiPo batteries now are sold with a non reversable connector, built in overvoltage and overcurrent protection, and good coating.

External phone/tablet batteries can provide regulated 5v at 1A, and have built in charging circuit, within a puncture proof case. These may not be enough for motors, but are ideal for microcomputers and microprocessors.

Nice Arm!

Is the arm in plastic ? - It looks so - how did you get the parts to the arm ? Is it ‘homemade’ ? - if so how did you do it?  3D printing or lasercutting?

Or is the parts to the arm a kit you have bought or something?

You could paint it some cool coulors so it looks more real!

 : )




MIPS: It is an open source

MIPS: It is an open source design.  The parts are laser cut acrylic.

You can check this out: